A CONTRIBUTION ON THE MODE OF ACTION OF ATROPINE AND ESERINE ON THE IRIS1doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1922.tb118601.xLeonard J. C. MitchellHonorary Ophthalmologist, Melbourne HospitalJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdMedical Journal of Australia
In addition, the risk of the development of resistance and the incidence of certain side effects in the host organism can be assessed, though it is currently possible only to a moderate extent to derive a proposal for a useful combination therapy on the basis of the mode of action of the ...
they are taken up by the roots or leaves and translocated to all parts of the plant, which, in turn, makes them effectively toxic to herbivorous insects. The toxicity persists for a variable period of time—depending
The mode of action of ciguatoxin has been studied by testing the preventive efects of pharmacological compounds such as hexamethonium, atropine, propanolol and phentolamine and by proceeding to bilateral adrenalectomy. The results have indicated both central and peripheral effects. Cholinergic and also...
Some of the stimulants considered are: pilocarpine and furmethide, the cholines, such as acetyl betamethylcholine, and anticholinesterase substances (such as eserine and neo-stigmine.) The action of depressants atropine and other belladonna derivatives and the one choline derivative dibutoline is...
Different mode of action of endothelin-1 in parietal and visceral veinsdoi:10.1016/0014-2999(93)90998-WEndothelinVeinCholinergicinnervationAtropineNeostigmineEmbryologyThe mode of contractile effect of endothelin-1 in venous smooth muscles was evaluated using three isolated veins, the jugular vein, the ...
The mechanism of action was postsynaptic and not atropine-like. The spasmolytic effect of lavender oil was most likely to be mediated through cAMP, and not through cGMP. The mode of action of linalool, one of lavender's major components, reflected that of the whole oil. The mode of action...
Atropine suppressed not only the lymphagogic action but also the rise of arterial and portal blood pressure by TMA. Similar suppressive action was also observed under the action of TEA or hexamethonium. Dibenamine strongly suppressed the rise of arterial blood pressure by adrenaline and by TMA ...
MC evoked a dose-dependent increase in nasal secretion that was inhibited by atropine but not by (d-Pro2, d-Trp7,9)-SP. The secretory response to SP was greater than that to MC at equimolar doses.ReferencesSection:1. Lundblad, L., Lundberg, J.M., ?ngg?rd, A. Local and systemic...
Altounyan, R.E.C.: Changes in histamine and atropine responsiveness as a guide to diagnosis and evaluation of therapy in obstructive airways disease; inPepsy and FranklandDisodium Cromoglycate in Allergic Airways Disease, p.47 (Butterworths, London 1970). ...