5.2 bond4下启动vlan子接口 vlan子接口配置(子接口号为VLAN号,例:如VLAN2则为bond0.2) 具体的VLAN子接口根据需求确定。 #创建bond4的子接口配置 [root@local /]# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0.2 DEVICE=bond0.2 TYPE=Bond NAME=Bond0.2 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NET...
[Huawei-Eth-Trunk1]mode lacp-static [Quidway]dis eth-trunk 1 Eth-Trunk1's state information is: Local: LAG ID: 1 WorkingMode: LACP Preempt Delay: Disabled Hash arithmetic: According to SA-XOR-DA System Priority: 32768 System ID: 5439-df15-6110 Least Active-linknumber: 1 Max Active-link...
bond_mode_8023ad_setup会设置一个定时器,每 100ms 调用一次bond_mode_8023ad_periodic_cb函数,这个就是用来协商 lacp 的。rx_machine_update接收 rx_ring 数据,tx_machine封装好本机 lacp 后发送到 tx_ring.bond_ethdev_mode_set最重要的是调置 rx_burst 和 tx_burst 回调函数 eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst=b...
After creating an LACP bond (mode 4) using two or more NICS (max 4), all performance seems to go through one interface instead of using four interfaces. Slow network (or less than expected) performance on the network where the bond is. It is observed when 4 LACP NICS are used for th...
linux系统下bond mode参数说明:(mode=4 在交换机支持LACP时推荐使用,其能提供更好的性能和稳定性) 0-轮询模式,所绑定的网卡会针对访问以轮询算法进行平分。 1-高可用模式,运行时只使用一个网卡,其余网卡作为备份,在负载不超过单块网卡带宽或压力时建议使用。
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