using Terraria;//Terraria支持using Terraria.ID;//Terraria的ID,这里在ItemID.LifeCrystal用到了using Terraria.ModLoader;//ModLoader支持对,如果对C#有所了解的话,你也可以添加其他譬如Systemnamespace Example.Items代表该物品隶属于Example\Items,在tmod中,namespace限制了源文件以及贴图的位置,其中斜杠(\)用....
using Terraria.ID;using Terraria.ModLoader;namespace DeadLine.Items //在DeadLine.Items里面{public class test : ModItem //test是此物品的名字{public override void SetStaticDefaults(){Tooltip.SetDefault("test<3."); //介绍设置。至于两个介绍什么的,我现在还不知道怎么写。}public override void ...
【搬运mod】Ter..↖(~▽~") 大家好又是我\("▔□▔)/上次的rpgmod搬运过来没多少人下载啊明明玩rpgmod的人挺多而且是1.2.2版本的好了,我在online(Oct 8, 2013的mod)上搬过来了估
public void UseItem(Player player, int playerID){NPC.NewNPC((int)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].position.X, (int)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].position.Y-300, Config.npcDefs.byName["Mother Star"].type, 0);召唤一个叫母星的新npc}召唤物什么的都是在item文件夹编译,代码依旧cs文件~然后,是npc的...
打开Item文件夹确认现在的地址是【我的文档\My Games\Terraria\ModPacks\Miao\Item】新建一个文本文档,命名为【物品名.ini】(英文限定)这里用【Excalibur.ini】系统会提示你改变扩展名会导致文件不可用点是,因为我们就是要改扩展名创建完毕如果系统没提示你就创建完毕了。。。那就是你电脑上的文件扩展名被隐藏了【...
The main advantages / modifications of Terraria Mod APK [Unlimited money][Free purchase] Video Verified Mod V1 features:menu Mod V2 features:Mod Menu: 1.God Mode 2.High Damage 3.Open inventory & select item to get maxstack 4.You can split single items Mod V3 features:Mod ...
Game Name: Terraria Game Version: v1. Needs OBB: No Needs Root: No *MOD Features* MOD MENU 1. Immortality (you do not get almost all the damage from mobs, but you can suffocate under water or die from poison) 2. A lot of items (select any item in the inventory that has...
-In the v1.1.1 update you have to craft your soulstone. To do so you have to get 50 stoneblocks and 5 stars for a "Magically enchanted Stone". you need 5 of them and something else to craft a soulstone which you can craft to any of the starting soulstones-The description on the...