魔戒我的世界模组 魔戒我的世界模组(The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod)是一款基于 Minecraft 1.7.10 版本,以托尔金笔下第三纪元的中洲为背景,对其少部分内容进行适当扩充与修改而制作的大型模组。 该模组由 Mevans 及其团队创作,于 2012 年 12 月动工,2013 年 1 月 1 日首次发布第一个正式版本——公测 B...
【The Lord ..1、熔炼篇↑矮人钢锭,需要用特殊熔炉矮人熔炉,熔炉上面放煤,下面放铁矿石,即可烧出矮人钢锭,燃料是磷灰石,磷灰石可以合成磷灰块(不能当燃料),当然,燃料也可以换成煤那些。↑蓝山矮人钢锭,需要用特殊熔炉
另一个矮人的新内容是由一个在minecraft forum的用户提出的:矮人掷斧手These are a formidable new type of Dwarven Warrior who launch their dangerous spinning Dwarven Throwing Axes at any threat that comes near. You can hire them from the Dwarf Commanders for your army, and you can also craft ...
魔戒The Lord of the Rings Mod 魔戒mod将托尔金的作品<魔戒>,<霍比特人>与<精灵宝钻>中里的故事内容带入到Minecraft中。 魔戒中绝大多数的生物都是NPC,也就是非玩家角色。例如刚铎士兵、奥克与精灵。蜘蛛和座狼不算作NPC,因为它们不算是有智慧的生物,而且它们不具备一些NPC特有的特性,例如进食和说话。而且...
2、The lord of the rings(魔戒模组) 魔戒迷不要错过,虽然模组还在勤奋更新中,但是已经很稳定了。可以进入魔戒世界进行冒险,模组还原了魔戒世界的地图,建筑,地形,精灵矮人等怪物。 玩家可以一边悠闲的欣赏各个种族的建筑风格,新奇的动物,一边激烈的打怪,可以接任务,有一些RPG元素。十分推荐!
2 The lord of the rings(魔戒模组)魔戒迷不要错过,虽然模组还在勤奋更新中,但是已经很稳定了。可以进入魔戒世界进行冒险,模组还原了魔戒世界的地图,建筑,地形,精灵矮人等怪物。玩家可以一边悠闲的欣赏各个种族的建筑风格,新奇的动物,一边激烈的打怪,可以接任务,有一些RPG元素。十分推荐!3 Pixelmon(神奇...
Lord of the Rings Mod Popular categories Items Blocks Armour Biomes NPC Structures View full main page Welcome, Visitor (please join us), to The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki, the official public wiki for everything related to the Lord of the Rings Mod. This site has ...
Note that Renewed redirects here. The Lord of the Rings Mod Renewed is a version of the Lord of the Rings Mod that is being ported to run on Minecraft 1.16, as opposed to the 1.7.10 version that the mod currently runs on. Over the next several months (fo
Legacy Renewed The Lord of the Rings Mod has been through many updates since its first release in February 2013. Some of these updates were large, others small. Some were focused on one aspect of the Mod, while others were more "general" updates. Below i