所以,魔戒MOD的大陆可能与中土大陆原来的生物群落有所不同。你有可能出生在夏尔,而你的附近就是魔多。你可以期待见到以下的生物群落夏尔(注:霍比特人居住地)洛汗(注:骠骑之乡)魔多(注:索伦所在之地)迷雾山脉(注:意外之旅及《霍比特人》石巨人嬉戏的地方,常年雾霾)刚铎(矮人注:努曼诺尔流亡者建立的国度) 本楼...
【The Lord ..1、熔炼篇↑矮人钢锭,需要用特殊熔炉矮人熔炉,熔炉上面放煤,下面放铁矿石,即可烧出矮人钢锭,燃料是磷灰石,磷灰石可以合成磷灰块(不能当燃料),当然,燃料也可以换成煤那些。↑蓝山矮人钢锭,需要用特殊熔炉
魔戒The Lord of the Rings Mod 魔戒mod将托尔金的作品<魔戒>,<霍比特人>与<精灵宝钻>中里的故事内容带入到Minecraft中。 魔戒中绝大多数的生物都是NPC,也就是非玩家角色。例如刚铎士兵、奥克与精灵。蜘蛛和座狼不算作NPC,因为它们不算是有智慧的生物,而且它们不具备一些NPC特有的特性,例如进食和说话。而且...
Note that Renewed redirects here. The Lord of the Rings Mod Renewed is a version of the Lord of the Rings Mod that is being ported to run on Minecraft 1.16, as opposed to the 1.7.10 version that the mod currently runs on. Over the next several months (fo
Legacy Renewed The Lord of the Rings Mod has been through many updates since its first release in February 2013. Some of these updates were large, others small. Some were focused on one aspect of the Mod, while others were more "general" updates. Below i
http://mcdl2.down.v0vcq.cn:8080/mod/the-lord-of-the-rings-mod/The-Lord-of-the-Rings-Mod-1.7.2.jar 对于1.6.4 http://mcdl2.down.v0vcq.cn:8080/mod/the-lord-of-the-rings-mod/The-Lord-of-the-Rings-Mod-1.6.4.zip 1.6.2 ...
魔戒:复兴(The Lord of the Rings Mod: Renewed)模组,这款模组引入以J.R.R.Tolkien着作《魔戒》(又名《指环王》)系列里中洲(也称中土世界)为背景的新世界的模组。 注:支持的MC版本:1.15.2 当前内容: 正在逐步进行移植,目前的主要目标是将物品、方块重制完成,并绘制与新版本相适应的贴图。目前尚未加入任何生...
Mod or Not - Gamescom 2024 29 Aug 2024 ModularCocoon In the wake of E3’s demise, Gamescom has settled in nicely as the king of gaming events, showing off the latest releases and - more excitedly - what’s to come! Speaking of what’s to come, I love speculating on the future. ...
* NPCs' melee attacks now deal the same damage as a player's would with the same item * Maggoty bread's hunger chance (now base 80%) decreases with higher orc/troll alignment, up to complete safety at +250 * Man-flesh now inflicts poison as well as hunger to un-orcish creatures, ...
The Lord of the Rings Mod is a huge expansion for Minecraft that adds the world of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth into the game, including content from his magnum opus, The Lord of the Rings, and from other related tales such as The Hobbit and The Silmarillion.Renewed is a work-in-...