Mobil 1 Truck & SUV advanced full-synthetic motor oil is specially formulated for hardworking trucks and SUVs that operate in tough conditions like towing and hauling. Utilizes Mobil 1's signature Triple Action Formula to deliver outstanding engine performance, protection, and cleanliness Helps protec...
Mobil 1 0W-20 is not recommended for 2-Cycle or aviation engines, unless specifically approved by the manufacturer. Owner's manual should be consulted for recommended viscosity grades and specification. Specifications and Approvals This product has the following approvals: GM dexos1:GEN3 Licensed ...
1/2 ¥ 145 剩余 11Mobil美孚1号经典表现金美孚0W-20 API SP 、ACEA C5 GF-6A 全合成机油 福特FordWSS-M2C962-A1;克莱斯勒ChryslerMS-6395;通用汽车(GM);服务用油dexos1 Gen3 分享 品质保证 专属客服 先行赔付 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:免运费 服务...
移动端、京东百亿补贴:Mobil 美孚 保养单次卡 银美孚1号汽机油0W-20 SP级 5L 含机滤包安装 359元 京东 2024-12-27 0 -- CHEVROLET 雪佛兰 原厂机油机滤小保养套餐含工时包安装 4S店直发配套 dexos认证 4L灰壳5W-30小保养 302.7元(需用券) 京东 2024-12-28 0 -- TUHU 途虎 出光汽车小保养套餐全合成机...
对了,另外说一下,这次到手的水银美都是dexos1gen3了,通用2021年的最新认证,而且看msds,银美530已经没有pao了,到底怎么选就看个人爱好吧,等这锅上车后再补充! 老lu +2 东西好,速度快,不愧是王牌产品,该款银美机油认证多,性能稳定,值得我们信赖的好产品,相比ep相对偏向性能! 猪田守望者 +2 猜你喜欢...
克莱斯勒MS-6395 特性与规范 特性 粘度等级 SAE 0W-20 倾点,ºC,ASTM D97 -48 总碱值,mg KOH/g,ASTM D2896 9.2 微型旋转式黏度计,表观黏度,-40ºC,mPa.s,ASTM D4684 13600 黏度指数,ASTM D2270 163 15.6ºC 时的密度,g/ml,ASTM D4052 ...
Discover how Mobil 1™ ESP X2 0W-20 advanced synthetic motor oil can prolong the efficiency of emission systems in diesel and gasoline powered automobiles.
Shell 壳牌 单次大保养卡 都市光影0W-20 SP 6L机油+机滤+空调滤+空气滤+工时 488元 京东 11-11 13:32 0 0 BUICK 别克 汽车大小保养套餐 全合成机油 机滤空滤空调滤 全车型适用 上汽 dexos中石油全5W-30 4L 套餐 机油+机滤(小保养) 174.75元(需用券) 京东 11-20 13:46 0 0 Volkswagen 大...
CHEVROLET 雪佛兰 原厂机油机滤小保养套餐含工时包安装 4S店直发配套 dexos认证 4L灰壳5W-30小保养 302.7元(需用券) 京东 2024-12-28 0 -- Shell 壳牌 灰壳超凡喜力5W-30 SP级机油 4L包安装 169.2元包邮 天猫精选 5小时前 12 6 Great Wall 长城 金吉星矿物质SN汽机油J500 10W-40高品质汽机油轿车面包车适...
0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 GM dexos1:GEN3 Licensed X X HONDA/ACURA HTO-06 X This product is recommended for use in applications requiring: 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 Ford WSS-M2C930-A X Ford WSS-M2C945-A X FORD WSS-M2C945-B1 ...