GM dexos2 本產品符合或超過以下要求: FIAT 9.55535-S2 APISN PLUS APISN ACEA C3 屬性和規格 屬性 等級 SAE 0W-40 15.6°C 條件下的密度,g/ml,ASTM D4052 0.846 閃火點,克利夫蘭開口杯,°C,ASTM D92 230 150°C 條件下的高溫高剪切黏度 1x10(6) sec(-1),mPa.s,ASTM D4683 ...
Mobil 1 ESP Formula 0W-40 carries the dexos®2 approval specified for General Motors vehicles. *The dexos® specification and trademark are exclusive to General Motors, LLC. What do the numbers in 0W-40 mean? The numbers refer to the weight and thickness, or viscosity, of the oil. Moto...
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Mobil 美孚 1号经典表现全合成机油 0W-20 4L SP/C5/GF-6A GM dexos1 Gen3 认证 途虎养车该商品正在促销,最终到手价669元/件,喜欢可入。
Shell 壳牌 单次大保养卡 都市光影5W-40 SP 4L机油+机滤+空调滤+空气滤+工时 368元 京东 6小时前 0 2 Shell 壳牌 单次大保养卡 都市光影0W-20 SP 6L机油+机滤+空调滤+空气滤+工时 488元 京东 7小时前 0 0 BUICK 别克 汽车大小保养套餐 全合成机油 机滤空滤空调滤 全车型适用 上汽 dexos中...
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0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 GM dexos1:GEN3 Licensed X X HONDA/ACURA HTO-06 X This product is recommended for use in applications requiring: 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 Ford WSS-M2C930-A X Ford WSS-M2C945-A X FORD WSS-M2C945-B1 X FORD WSS-M2C946-A X For...
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