你好 有没有mmWaveStudio的操作文档,可以描述如下图中每个界面的工作说明,比如Connection界面‘、Staticconfig界面、SensorConfig界面的介绍?谢谢。 mmwave studio user guide中第六章节后有tab的介绍。 https://software-dl.ti.com/ra-processors/esd/MMWAVE-STUDIO/latest/exports/mmwave_studio_user_guide.pdf 你的原...
Part Number:MMWCAS-RF-EVM 在mmWave Studio user guide 的 7.3.2 Device Configuration小节里,有一步说: Perform thefirmwaredownload for all the slaves together. Perform RF Power Up for each one of the slave devices individually. Perform the basic configuration in Static configuration tab for...
3. 4. 3. Capture demo for xWR16xx Note this demo requires connecting TI Code Composer studio to the xWR16xx EVM. If the demo enables streaming then the DevPack (MMWAVE-DEVPACK) is required to be connected to xWR16xx EVM to access the LVDS interface. See xWR16xx EVM User guide for ...
then re-install following the instruction in the mmwave studio user’s guide in section 2.1 (Installation) and follow very close steps 1 – 4. Alex Mostafa Koraei 6 年多前 in reply to Alex Rivera Intellectual 445 points Hi Alex, I have done your suggest...
4. 重装/降级mmWave Studio版本 版本号 从2.1.1.0 降低到2.0.0.0 后,DCA1000 FPGA 版本能正常识别。 这也是本次莫名其妙无法读取DCA1000的解决方案。 5. 重新烧写DCA1000 固件 笔者认为在DCA1000上电后,LED阵列全亮,而后5V LED、FTDI_ACTIVE_LED(JTGA接口边上的)正常亮的情况下,不需要重新烧写DCA1000固件。
[2]使用LUA脚本,通过Matlab控制mmWave Studio,一键实现DCA1000参数配置和雷达数据采集 [3]mmwave_studio_user_guide.pdf [4]MMWAVE-STUDIO 文献[1]详细介绍了利用mmWave Studio的lua语言,基于Matlab对雷达板AWR1243进行参数配置和回波数据读取的解决方案;
Windows installerMMWAVE_STUDIO installer for Windows Host54098K MMWAVE STUDIO Documentation MMWAVE STUDIO Release NotesRelease Notes for MMWAVE STUDIO418K MMWAVE STUDIO User GuideUser Guide for MMWAVE STUDIO4226K MMWAVE STUDIO Software ManifestSoftware Manifest of Components Inside the MMWAVE STU...
1. 使用Code Composer Studio (CCS) 集成开发环境(IDE) 对IWR6843进行在线调试的步骤 对于CCS在线调试TI的毫米波雷达芯片而言,都需要遵循以下步骤,具体的操作步骤,请参考文档:mmWave SDK out-of-box Developer's Guide和Using CCS Debug for Development
Windows installerMMWAVE_STUDIO installer for Windows Host262490K MMWAVE STUDIO Documentation MMWAVE STUDIO Release NotesRelease Notes for MMWAVE STUDIO666K MMWAVE STUDIO User GuideUser Guide for MMWAVE STUDIO7770K MMWAVE STUDIO Cascade User GuideCascade Setup User Guide for MMWAVE STUDIO3930K...
Also see the Mmwave Studio User's Guide, found at C:\ti\mmwave_studio_\docs 3 Viewing and Saving Raw Data Using Capture Demo and CCS This section discusses how to view and save the raw ADC data captured using the Capture Demo provided in the mmWave SDK. This section assumes that the ...