spontaneuosstably.Thiscanbeatypicalanimalmodelforbreastcarcinomaresearch. Keywords:breastcancer;MMTV—PyMTmouse;animalmodel;biologyfeature;pathologychange 收稿日期:2011一O1.12 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30871304;30900764;21005022);国家科技部“973”项目(国家重点基础研究发展计划 ...
vWF结果表明乳腺癌有明显的新生血管.结论 乳腺癌MMTV-PyMT转基因小鼠已被成功保种和扩群,可稳定自发性乳腺癌,其生物学特性和病理学改变与人乳腺癌相近,可作为研究乳腺癌发生发展的经典动物模型.%Objective To investigate the biological features of the transgenic mouse model and the pathological changes during ...
The MMTV-PyMT (mouse mammary tumor virus-polyoma middle tumor-antigen) mouse model of breast cancer is widely used and well characterized. MMTV-PyMT mice develop spontaneous mammary tumors that closely resemble the progression and morphology of human breast cancers [12–14]. MMTV-PyMT tumors lose...
These data suggest that the MMTV-PyMT model and Met-1 cells may serve as valuable tools for mechanistic studies of the role of AR in disease progression and how anti-androgens affect the tumor microenvironment. 展开 关键词: Breast Cancer Androgen Receptor Enzalutamide Androgen Receptor Expression ...
tablished.ThedoubletransgenicmiceprovideagoodanimalmodelforfurtherresearchofClC-3intumorgrowthandmetas- tasis. 【Keywords】CLCN3;MMTV-PyMT;Transgenicmice;Breastcancer 中扮演了重要的角色 [1] 。ClC氯通道(ClCchloride channel)是一类电压门控性氯通道,目前在哺乳动 ...
Purpose To use dynamic magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate to follow the progress over time in vivo of breast cancer metabolism in the MMTV-PymT model, and to follow the response to the anti-estrogen drug tamoxifen. Methods Tumor growth was monitored by anatomical...
参考文献 1. Guy CT; Cardiff RD; Muller WJ. 1992. Induction of mammary tumors by expression of polyomavirus middle T oncogene: a transgenic mouse model for metastatic disease. Mol Cell Biol 12(3):954-61.售后服务 相关视频 资料下载 快速...
Transgenic mouse models have been widely used to study breast cancer, and the PyMT mouse model is one of them [7–9]. Expression of the oncoprotein, polyoma middle T (PyMT) antigen from mouse polyoma virus, is under the control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) long terminal repea...
Biomarkers of Residual Disease, Disseminated Tumor Cells, and Metastases in the MMTV-PyMT Breast Cancer Model DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058183 Christian Franci, Jenny Zhou, Zhaoshi Jiang, Zora Modrusan, Zinaida Good, Erica Jackson, Hosein Kouros-Mehr Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib ...
Using the MMTV-PyMT mouse model, we show here that CCR7 and Notch1 cooperate and crosstalk within transformed mammary stem cell-like compartments, indicating that the CCR7-Notch axis may be a potential target for therapeutic intervention in breast cancer....