拓扑结构预 测发现大部分同源序列跨膜次数与H37Rv的对应MmpL蛋白保持一致,少数序列与H37Rv的 对应MmpL蛋白有较小偏差;保守序列分析发现:与H37Rv比较三个标准株的MmpL3同源序 列有两个膜转运蛋白结构域(MMPLdomain),没有固醇敏感多肽区(SSDdomain)说明该同源 序列有膜转运功能,无SSD介导的胆固醇自我平衡调节、物质运输...
Sandhu, PadmaniAkhter, YusufElsevier Inc.Journal of Inorganic BiochemistrySandhu, P.; Akhter, Y. Siderophore transport by MmpL5-MmpS5 protein complex in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Inorgan. Biochem. 2017, 170, 75-84. [CrossRef] [PubMed]...
The mycobacterial membrane protein large (MmpL) proteins transport cell envelope lipids and siderophores that are important for the basic physiology and pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis. We recently identified MmpL11 as a conserved transporter of mycolic acid containing lipids including monomeromycolyl ...
Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis biofilms containing free mycolic acids and harbouring drug-tolerant bacteria. Mol. Microbiol. 2008, 69, 164–174. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 93. Sandhu, P.; Akhter, Y. Siderophore transport by MmpL5-MmpS5 protein complex in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Inorgan...