欢迎加入闲聊群催更 群号83913988,谢谢支持借物模型: Credit ♠(Base by TDA and BubbleStar-Chan Short by LizzyVolti Top by MrWhitefolks and Tecmo/Koei Shoes by Montecore)♠ Saryta-Chan Hair texture : Enayafly Hair by LunafreyaTsui 场景:椛暗 bgm:彩虹节拍动作:迫奈熏相机:作者幻想的风笛 mme:...
RAY-MMD: Using the Time of Night skybox RAY-MMD demonstration featuring texture and environmental lighting Ray-MMD Localized Fog Effects for stunning MMD scenes ALL OF OUR RAYCAST Ray-MMD TUTORIALS RAY-MMD: Haku’s crazy light show [PART 3] RAY-MMD: Haku’s crazy light show [PART 2] RAY...
The basic "vertex morph" changes the model by moving vertices, but there are also "bone morphs" that move the position of bones, "UV morphs" that move texture coordinates to change textures, and "material morphs" that change material information such as transparency and color. Furthermore, ...
The effects should be immediately apparent, at least in a subtle form. If you don’t immediately see the rays, try changing your camera’s POV or moving the sun. If none of this is happening, check the steps above. Note that the controller for the fog is a white plane on the ground...
Miku up close. She’s got nice shiny/glassy eyes, healthy skin tones, texture to her hair and clothing. She looks like a Japanese doll/figurine, which is exactly what I was aiming to do. Miku’s skin tones just used the ones in the Materials>Skin>TDA folder; likewise her clothing use...