RAY-MMD: Using the Time of Night skybox RAY-MMD demonstration featuring texture and environmental lighting Ray-MMD Localized Fog Effects for stunning MMD scenes ALL OF OUR RAYCAST Ray-MMD TUTORIALS RAY-MMD: Haku’s crazy light show [PART 3] RAY-MMD: Haku’s crazy light show [PART 2] RAY...
v=ABQqV7Yl2rY 【Model】 TDA Kagamine Fancy Moke Credits: TDA(base) / Akirinaf,Milionna Matutteru,Tehrainbowllama, Crystallyna, Zeze, Nagekinomai, Niko_aoi/ Owth (front hair)/ Ni-chyP (back hair)/ Ledse(face texture)/ UtauRueCross(nail)/ Mistress Discordia(hair texture) Copyright :...
ZIP file format ZIP is an archiving file format used to compress data in the smallest file possible. The format was first seen in the shareware application PKZIP. It has since become a defacto archiving format, even recognized natively by Microsoft Windows. ...
Please see "README (HarukaSakurai).txt" for full credits and rules. Copyright : CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC Lily Face by Ѓв TDA / HIIRAKI Texture by Ѓв TDA / HiLoMMD /rainie001 Hair by Ѓв TDA / BrausShows / LARIGIAN / HIIRAKI / ILLUSION / sentimental-dream Editor of Azalea...
其中Path Mode 选copy, Embed Texture点上,这样会把材质打到FBX中,否则FBX导到UE4中贴图就丢了(应该也可以不embed的办法) 导出选项 可以看到导出embed贴图的文件,比不embed贴图的文件要大 FBX文件 导入UE4 UE4中随便建立工程,ContentBrower里面创建文件夹,然后点击import ...
(Curly Ver) 作者:EOriginal Append Luka edit by TDA and agahat EFace Texture by Crystallyna, Skary66, and HarukaSakurai EEye Texture by AliceBunny115 EHair Texture by TDA and Crystallyna EPonytail by TDA, agahat, ReYaMa, and HarukaSakurai ELong Hair by TDA, agahat, HenachokoErika, and ...
其中Path Mode 选copy, Embed Texture点上,这样会把材质打到FBX中,否则FBX导到UE4中贴图就丢了(应该也可以不embed的办法) 可以看到导出embed贴图的文件,比不embed贴图的文件要大 FBX文件 导入UE4 UE4中随便建立工程,ContentBrower里面创建文件夹,然后点击import ...
其中Path Mode 选copy, Embed Texture点上,这样会把材质打到FBX中,否则FBX导到UE4中贴图就丢了(应该也可以不embed的办法) 导出选项 可以看到导出embed贴图的文件,比不embed贴图的文件要大 FBX文件 导入UE4 UE4中随便建立工程,ContentBrower里面创建文件夹,然后点击import ...
Head/Body/Hair/Pants/Pants/Shoes/Facials: Jjinomu Coat/T-Shirt: JustLluiji Scarf: ThornedDream Accessories: o-DSV-o/toksik [https://www.deviantart.com/kaito-dai/art/DL-Tda-KAITO-Outfit-1-KAITO-17th-KAITO-DAI-949725078] 【Eyes texture】: ミコト 【Stage/Motion/camera】: Project SEKAI/...