(1)按下上方的[絞]找出眼白的材质 下方mode选wire+(P)显示线框 (2)选中全部眼白的顶点 (3)按下ctrl+B 完成。或者 【編集E】-【法線関連】-【選択法線の平均化】 看不懂你就看图呗 左:GreenerShader_v1.2 | 右:SimpleToonShader 手术后↓ 【注意】 模型做法千差万别 预防万一请另存 如果修改後效果不...
总之我会拿这个叠simpletoon,另外它好像还有更多好用法,我还没研究过(侧目)这里分别给人物和场景叠了simpletoon的night和water,餐具叠了metal,反正哪个顺眼就上哪个!m4layer的si我开了0.5,顺便调整了一下ps控制器和al的数值,就变成这样了↓蒽光也变成了很虚幻的样子。 simpletoon:winglayer 之后补了一下阴影和地面...
The simplest interactions between people in real life can be very difficult to animate; especially when you have two characters interacting and they have to come into physical contact with each other. Simple interactions like holding hands or trying to co-ordinate a dance where two people need to...
Here is the code to build a scene with a simple MMD model and play a VMD animation. // side effects that register the loaderimport"babylon-mmd/esm/Loader/pmxLoader";// side effects that register the animation runtimeimport"babylon-mmd/esm/Runtime/Animation/mmdRuntimeCameraAnimation";import"...
Support for toon shaders is off by default. There is a good reason for this, but if you do want to use toon shaders, you can turn it on here. Bokeh Depth of Field. Turn this on and the ray_controller depth of field features will work. ...
In some cases, this is already enough to make a model look good for simple animations. Which is why this also standardizes color and toon, [Options](for Automization): [colors]: bool -- Standardize colors (== Reset Diffuse of Materials with Textures). Asks user if None ...
这是MMD功能精简,很多人认为这是它的缺点,但同时这也是它的最大的优点,满足KISS(Keep It Simple And Stupid)原则,非常容易上手,因此更加流行。这是它的一个优点。 第二个优点: 有个标准的的参考骨骼系统,骨骼的命名是标准化的。因为骨骼的标准化,模型与动作可以被解耦,这是其他软件所没有的。
PostAdultShader- Elle/データP KiraKira, Postmovie, Line - Beamman PostDropHair, PostRimLightToon, PostMultiShadow - P.I.P sdColorGradingSDR, sdDiffusion, sdExpensiveLens, sdShootingStar - NenemSdmn SimpleUnsharpMask - 下っ腹P PostHemming - Watari/わたり msGradation - MashiMashi/ましまし...
UT Video Codec Suite v22.2.0 creates simple AVI video for MMD background AVI How to make 360 degree MMD videos on YouTube. Using the right codec when Rendering to AVI in MMD YouTube serves video playback quality to best suit your viewing-screen ...
没shader那就手动处理一下,清掉alpha通道,按照屏幕大小拓展成需要的尺寸: 然后在原先的屏幕材质后面(注意材质顺序)复制一份材质并用上这个贴图即可,实际应用时也可以看情况在PE里调一下该材质的透明度。 1.2.2. 動画撮影できるAdultカメラ 来自同好@Nudekaru的推荐,之前完全没听说过,而在试用后被效果震惊到了。