上文XILINX FPGA IP之Clocking Wizard详解说到时钟IP的支持动态重配的,本节介绍通过DRP进行MMCMPLL的重新配置。 2023-06-12 18:24:03 PhysDesignRules错误 大家好,我在设计的地点和路线上遇到以下错误:错误:PhysDesignRules:2053- 不支持的MMCM_ADV配置。具有补偿模式ZHOLD的MMCM_ADVcomp ...
MMCME4_ADV原语 MMCM原语包含MMCME3_BASE和MMCME3_ADV,在UltraScale+ 器件中MMCME4替代MMCME3。UltraScale+ 器件MMCM原语包含MMCME4_BASE和MMCME4_ADV。 MMCME4_BASE实现基本MMCM功能。MMCME4_ADV除了能实现MMCME4_BASE功能外,还可以实现动态可重配等功能。 计算输出时钟频率 时钟输出频率和VCO输出频...
You will need to own all of these, plus the CLB column that shares an INT tile to make the entire IOB PU. To correctly select all if the resource in an IOB PU, please refer to(Xilinx Answer 64164). Advanced Flows and Hierarchical DesignVivadoVirtex UltraScaleVivado Design SuiteKintex Ultr...
值得注意的是,Xilinx原语的仿真模型通常在内部应用100 ns全局置位/复位。 这意味着在模拟中经过100 ns(甚至是行为模拟)之前,您才能真正开始使用它们。 - Gabor 2020-3-12 10:11:10 评论 举报 杨玲 提交评论 答案对人有帮助,有参考价值 0 谢谢大家。 问题在输出时钟部分得到解决,选择使用psat输出时钟...
ERROR:sim - Error: map failed on chipscope_ibert. ERROR:PhysDesignRules:1997 - The computed value for the VCO operating frequency of MMCM_ADV instance Error found during generation. How do I work around this issue? Solution This error is related to the MMCM issue described in (Xilinx Answer...
61775 - Vivado - Critical warning: [Timing 38-1] DLL output pin(s) used on clock modifying cell clk_gen_i0/clk_core_i0/inst/mmcm_adv_inst without a feedback net: CLKOUT0 CLKOUT1 2月 16, 2023 Knowledge 标题 61775 - Vivado - Critical warning: [Timing 38-1] DLL output pin(s) ...
Version Resolved: See (Xilinx Answer 58435) When using the wizard feature to "Specify MMCM M and D on Advanced Clocking Page to calculate Ref Clk reference input clock speed (ps)" the following DRC messages might be seen when running the IP through implementation and BitGen: Error: [Unisim...
Xilinx PLL 确定:第一步确定输入时钟。输入频率给D和M值带来的约束如下:M和D值的确定:输入时钟的确定会产生一些可能的M和D值,下一步是确定最佳的M和D值。首先基于VCO目标频率(VCO理想工作频率)确定起始M...到特定位置。 这些规则如下: 当PLL输入时钟由全局时钟树(BUFGs)驱动时,两个时钟输入必须连接到相同的...
CLKIN_PERIOD attribute may have been set by ngdbuild based on the user specified PERIOD constraint. The current calculated FVCO is 2000.000000 MHz. Reference the V6 architecture Users Guide or search the Xilinx Answer Records database for the error code. ...
Version Found:DDR4/3 v2.1; QDRII+ v1.3; RLD3 v1.3; QDRIV v1.2 Version Resolved:See(Xilinx Answer 58435) When using the wizard feature to "Specify MMCM M and D on Advanced Clocking Page to calculate Ref Clk reference input clock speed (ps)" the following DRC messages might be seen ...