DISCIPLINE PRIEST PVP 3.3.5 - BEGINNER GUIDE WARMANE WOTLK (TalentsGearSpells) 2 Patm20 134 0 ARMS WARRIOR PVP 3.3.5 - BEGINNER GUIDE WARMANE WOTLK (TalentsGearSpellsDuelsTip Patm20 418 0 Vanilla Hunter PvP - Corossity R17 1642 0 Hotwheels _8 _ Hunter PvP 3.3.5 Wotlk Classic - Nae...
be a marksman hunter with the sentinel aoe build listed here https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/marksmanship-hunter-pve-dps-spec-builds-pet-talents?area=area_2 . do your rotation with cooldowns enabled until rapid fire trueshot will dissapear. also trueshot window is broken in my opinion. Snapsho...
Hey, Im not really satisfied with my MM hunter DPS and loggs, would be very nice to get some tips :) here the loggs from last weeks Mythic antorus: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/T6Fb1hYGdJzLgrft - From Highcommand on https://www.warcraftlogs.com/r