Core Mythic Team: Wed-Thurs 8:30pm est til 11pm est Heroic Weekend Team: Fri & Mon 8:30pm est til 11pm Recruiting 2 Exceptional RDPS to fill out our Core team. Would prefer MM Hunter, Mage, Boomkin or Warlock. However willing to consider other exceptional players. All roles for the...
I am a 422 MM hunter coming back from a break after BoD. I was 6/9 Mythic with about 5% pulls on mechatorque with my old guild. Im sure I can readjust and relearn the class and raids. I’m looking for a guild to raid with. However being 422 i havent tried to optomize my gear...
Hey, Im not really satisfied with my MM hunter DPS and loggs, would be very nice to get some tips :) here the loggs from last weeks Mythic antorus: - From Highcommand on
I’m a long-time raider, 220 MM Hunter with an up-and-coming 215 Balance Druid secondary main looking for a Mythic/CE guild. Guild I’m currently in petered out on Hyjal before we could set foot into Mythic CN. Will consi…
Current Prog: 7/9M 9/9H BoD - 2/2H CoS 5/8M Uldir Legion Prog: 10/11M - Guild formed in Antorus Raid Schedule: Main Raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 6:30pm-9:30pm PST (9:30pm-12:30am EST) Loot Council: Loot awarded based on performance, attendance, and who will benefit the most. We...
While I can understand moving alot of hunter pet utility to the eagle I still think that we should be given the choice to have a pet or not. Tenacity pets expecialy make great tanks while leveling which is why I always have my pet out when I play marksmanship. What I would do is ha...
Mainly looking for a Mythic prog guild preferably with raid days T/W or TH with raid times starting at around 7:30pm est and on. I recently came back after a long break since legion. I raided as a WW and changed to MW mo…
Hello I’m looking for a fun mythic guild that raids between 730p est - 1130p est. Also interested in M+. Transferring isn’t a problem after trialing ofc. Staying Horde though.
Currently 10/10H 1/10M Hunter LF mythic prog guild. I am looking for a guild that is active, progs well, and pushes keys. My raid availability are M-Thur 9pm - 12/1am EST. I prefer Monday and Tuesday to raid, but can mak…