Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1 闪闪公主(上) 紫悦公主(上) Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 闪闪公主(下) 紫悦公主(下) Castle Mane-ia 古城魔影 迷之城堡 Daring Don't 共度难关 无畏天马的真相 Flight to the Finish 飞向终点 飞向终点 Power Ponies 超威小马 超能小马 Bats! 化蝶成蝠...
这里提到这个是因为应该有很多马迷认为CM的C全称是“cute”(可爱的)但实际上C的全称是“cutie”(俏丽的)好了,不废话了下面是正文。 ◎【Twilight Sparkle】暮光闪闪/紫悦(下文简称TS) artist:ponyecho 首先我们来分析一下TS的名字 【twilight】 这个词是“暮光、黄昏”的意思 而【sparkle】则是“闪烁、闪耀”的...
Twilight Sparkle, Faithful Student #4PremiereMane Character (Fixed) +0 Rarity, Dazzling Fashionista #5PremiereMane Character (Fixed) +0 Fluttershy, Beastmaster #6PremiereMane Character (Unknown) +0 Jetstream, All Heart #7PremiereFriend (Common) +0 Cerulean Skies, Skyward Soarer #8PremiereFrie...
[1] Source Guard Inspection | Commission by Shibaroll [2] Source Cute Twilight Sparkle by StePandy[3] Source Magnet design: Rush B! by Moonlight-Ki[4] Source Autumn Blep by SadTrooper[5] Source Witchy shy by Waackery[6] Source Gentle soul by Vensual9
Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle! —— 塞拉斯蒂娅公主,“命运魔咒” for pony's sake for X's sake Rarity, for pony's sake, stop sweatin' the small stuff and help me get rid of this thing! —— 苹果杰克,“睡前聚会” goody fou...
Twilight Sparkle Music: Harmonic Six - Magic [Orchestral/Soundtrack] by Makenshi This may remind you of some OST pieces if you've played some J-RPGs! This new release from Harmonic Six is all dedicated to our beloved Princess of Friendship though, and we can feel all that love poured...
twilight sparkle (alicorn) Hardest you've Laughed watching MLP? lunarwingreplied toGaines's topic inSugarcube Corner Consistently, Discord and Rarity's deliveries crack me up. They are always so over the top that it's funny. Now and then Celestia has some fantastic facial expressions or chaoti...
I find Twilight sparkle to be the most adorable of the Mane 6, followed by Rainbow Dash, followed by Applejack. I agree that I don't find Fluttershy to be very cute at all. The main sentiment across my top 3 is "D'aww, she's such an adorable pile of failure". I guess it ties...
Twilight MLP Twilight Sparkle healthbar MyLittlePony Sparkle Changelog 01/20/20 === No revision notes have been added by the developer. Reviews View All Reviews (1) TylerJoseph Posted this review 8 Cute So only i say. ;) PegaTerax January 2020 :) Developers ...
1x MLP EG TWILIGHT SPARKLE My Little Pony Equestria Girl Fashion Squad Mini Doll Wave 1 Database: Single Fashion Squad Equestria Girls Pre-order price: $29.99 Release date: January 2019 Dress up your pony pal in fashions that she loves! In a 3-inch size, each My Little Pony Equestria ...