这种三分法使得其创造者劳伦·浮士德最初将这三种小马平均分配到六马组和可爱标记童子军中。根据《Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell》一书可知,天角兽的力量分别从这三种小马中平均取得。 陆马 主条目:陆马 参见:小马列表/陆马 “一鸟在蹄”中的一只陆马,Apple Cobbler 陆马(英语:Earth pony)没...
暮光闪闪(英语:Twilight Sparkle),简称暮暮、TS,是《我的小马驹:友谊就是魔法》中的核心主角。她是一只雌性独角兽,在“命运魔咒”一集中,她变成了天角兽并且成为了公主。她也是薄暮微光和夜光闪闪的女儿,银甲闪闪的妹妹,韵律公主的小姑子兼凝心雪儿的姑姑。 在剧集的开头,她和最要好的朋友兼助手斯派克从中心城搬到...
转自https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wcgJ25RuFuY&feature=youtu.be 原作者名 : Alex Jimenez 原视频标题: MLP-FIM king sombra and the mane 7 tribute Back To The Earth 简介: 2017年10月9日发布hello my name is Alex and i am new to YouTube i make music videos and tribute an pmvs i dont...
Twilight Sparkle:You've been up all night, Spike. 你一晚上都没睡,穗龙 You are a baby dragon after all. 你毕竟还是个龙宝宝呢 Elements, elements, elements... 和谐,和谐,和谐... How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony? 没有和谐之源我怎么能阻止梦魇之月呢? Rainbow D...
Twilight Sparkle: No offense. Mule: None taken. Fluttershy: Oh Applejack! Thank you so much for offering your herding skills for the annual rabbit round up. Applejack: Ugh. Why are we doin' this? Fluttershy: Well, lots of new baby bunnies have been born, so it's my job to get a co...
Time Baby, TimTheFlyFox, Tridgeon, TrueTailsDoll, TsaoShin, TwentyTen, TwilightSquare, TwinTailsInc, Tzolkine, Underpony, Vafrous Coyote, vaivy, Vexx3, Victor Frost, viperdash-venomous, Virus-91, viwrastupr, voodoopony, Warbalist, WhiteDiamonds, Whitestar1802, WillDrawForFood1, wingdune41...
Princess Twilight Sparkle #F46ASeries 3PuzzleIncluded in Series 3 Binder +0 Fluttershy #F47ASeries 3PuzzleIncluded in Series 3 Binder +0 Pinkie Pie #F48ASeries 3PuzzleIncluded in Series 3 Binder +0 Rainbow Dash #F49ASeries 3PuzzleIncluded in Series 3 Binder +0 Rarity #F50ASeries 3Pu...
Twilight Sparkle, Faithful Student #4PremiereMane Character (Fixed) +0 Rarity, Dazzling Fashionista #5PremiereMane Character (Fixed) +0 Fluttershy, Beastmaster #6PremiereMane Character (Unknown) +0 Jetstream, All Heart #7PremiereFriend (Common) +0 Cerulean Skies, Skyward Soarer #8PremiereFrie...
byMsTwilight Question about baby greek Minty Started bykingluke 3 Replies 1136 ViewsOctober 22, 2024, 12:15:14 PM bypinkkittywinks How rare is this french cotton candy? Started bykingluke 4 Replies 1332 ViewsOctober 15, 2024, 09:05:59 AM ...
watching it. It was all due to curiousity on my part, after seeing clips from the first Equestria Girls film. I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed it and found myself connecting to the central character a lot more than I had imagined -- that would be Twilight Sparkle of course....