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This is a list of voice actors and actresses, or cast, who have voiced characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Please only list verifiable entries, and put speculative entries in notes or in the comments section. The list is sorted by surname, then by character name. The credit...
A mAirList Playlist file (.MLP) contains the contents of a single Playlist (but not the Playlist's history nor its View settings). MLP file format: Every file has a defined file format, i.e. how the data is arranged in the file. The initial characters of a file are called signature...
So, we all like characters from MLP FIM, in fact, we got multiple of favorites, from main, background, villains, side, the list goes endless, oh, and my favorite is Rarity by the way. However, here's an interesting mix, I apologize if this has been done
参见:List of non-pony characters/Felines 系着蓝色蝴蝶结的猫 猫(英语:Cat)在许多场景中都有出现,在角色因各种原因在镜头外崩溃时,可以听到猫叫。在“胜者为宠”中,小蝶向云宝黛茜推荐了猫作为宠物。具有相同设计的猫也出现于“欲罢不能”中,与其它真正的掠食性猫科动物一起阻挠天马无畏。在“命运魔咒”中,...
The List Performance Data (QPMLPFRD) API returns the latest collection of performance data in the user space specified for the resource on the Work with Collector (QPMWKCOL) API. When QPMLPFRD is called, it will return data immediately if any data is available; otherwise, it will wait ...
Characters can be gained from the shop, events, minigames, collection and bundles. Some of them can be used in minigames and will earn XP to raise their star level. Some characters also have task where you cangain tokens, coins and XP. Several characters
that are all equally possible completions for the current entered incomplete string. In current versions, the user will simply have to keep typing a few more characters to further narrow down the autocomplete suggestions to float the most probable string to the top of the autocomplete list. ...
When text is pasted from the clipboard, it is checked against a list of user-defined rules: Each rule is associated with a regular expression string. The plugin engages the first rule whose regexp tests true against the pasted text. When a rule is engaged: the pasted text is inserted into...
based on piecewise normalization applied at whole words; feature extraction and character classification by MLP are performed in a sliding window fashion; the output string is matched with an ASCII word vocabulary by Dynamic Programming with the Levenshtein distance; a list of word candidates is ...