Category:Background characters Category:背景角色 Category:Characters Category:角色 Category:Fandom Category:粉丝文化 Category:Equestria Girls Category:小马国女孩 Category:Students Category:学生 Category:Locations Category:地点 Category:Franchise Category:系列作品 Category:Antagonists Category:反派 Catego...
Tara Strong and the main character she voices, Twilight Sparkle. This is a list of voice actors and actresses, or cast, who have voiced characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Please only list verifiable entries, and put speculative entries in notes or in the comments section. The...
So, we all like characters from MLP FIM, in fact, we got multiple of favorites, from main, background, villains, side, the list goes endless, oh, and my favorite is Rarity by the way. However, here's an interesting mix, I apologize if this has been done
Pony Town is perhaps the best 2d pony maker out and thetop pony game, even beating General Zoi's 2d vector tool due to the diverse range of customisable options in this game. It's not just a character creator tool though, this is going to be an expansive world with activities and fun...
King Aspen is a male deer who first appears as a supporting character in the IDW comics story The Root of the Problem. Read more > PoniesTelevision seriesFranchise Characters List of ponies Family and relatives Background ponies Earth ponies ...
she would be a lot less interesting and you would alternatively complain that she is a character of no depth, and just a background pony echoing the viewpoints of her new friends with very little substance of her own... What makes her different and unique are all of these scenarios that ...
Background character manes are ok, but it would be best to just invent a style. Those are the big no-no’s. Remember, be creative! A thing I always do is thinking about a characters job. Is a pony who does sports a lot going to have her mane down? Most likely not, she’d ...
literally right after finishing the Tamer's ep where she's (Mirror Mare) introduced! For those of you wondering who this character is, she's the Mare in the Mirror/Flawless Sparklemoon from a video series by Tamers12345, very sh*tposty and edgy content but also incredibly wholesome stuff ...
CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_STOP_STR CONFIG_ZERO_BOOTDELAY_CHECK CONFIG_RESET_TO_RETRY - Autoboot Command: CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND Only needed when CONFIG_BOOTDELAY is enabled; define a command string that is automatically executed when no character is read on the console interface within "Boot Delay" after reset...
Only happens if the game refreshes when I come back. If it doesn’t, it works properly. If it does, when I press the thing to view the event, no tokens have been collected and the character I was fighting is back to full health, Also, it’s the tokens event. ...