FIM fiction Emojis are available at MLPF By Sparklefan1234, Tuesday at 10:43 PM Feedback Provide feedback on MLP Forums - tell us what you like, what you don't like, and what you think we can do better! 1.6k topics An idea I have...i'm not sure if anyone has done thi...
Tara Strong and the main character she voices, Twilight Sparkle. This is a list of voice actors and actresses, or cast, who have voiced characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Please only list verifiable entries, and put speculative entries in notes or in the comments section. The...
So, we all like characters from MLP FIM, in fact, we got multiple of favorites, from main, background, villains, side, the list goes endless, oh, and my favorite is Rarity by the way. However, here's an interesting mix, I apologize if this has been done
《我的小马驹:友谊就是魔法》(英语:My Little Pony Friendship is Magic[注 1])是一部孩之宝授权经营的我的小马驹系列动画。这部动画于2010年10月10日在孩之宝旗下的Hub电视台(于2014年10月13日改名为Family Discovery Family)首映,目前已播出九季。这部动画片是我的小马驹系列的第四代(G4)。该电视节目的创始...
41 人观看 MLP:FiM Revoiced by Professor Layton - S1E7 - Dragonshy 71 人观看·12年前·来自DELETED My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic 19.3千个粉丝 分享 Professor Layton voices every character in Dragonshy.O_O Ogosh what monster have I created? Not sure if worst idea everor best idea ever...
Senior year of high school two more of my marching band friends asked if I watched MLP because of my email avatar (it was a dragon. It wasn't a character from MLP, but I guess the art style was kind of similar). I didn't really watch it at that point, but I'd actually complete...
Page 16 also features the Peanuts character Snoopy and a raven named Edgar, referencing the Edgar Allan Poe poem "The Raven". 微服私访 Page 2 features a Foaledo establishment called Packo's Hay Dogs, a reference to Tony Packo's Cafe in Toledo, Ohio. On the same page, a building in ...
I originally planned to write this for my blog, but I have to finish another entry to complete something because it was a second part of a list. Once I finish it, then I'll make it an entry. This post is not only about how not to write a new character in an already established ...
小马集换式卡牌游戏维基的Jetstream, All Heart页面 小马手机游戏维基上的Jetstream页面 同人维基上的List of FiM references in other media#JetBlue页面参考↑ Amy Keating Rogers (2015-11-08). Amy Keating Rogers on Twitter: "In the 1st draft of A Friend in Deed, there's a character named Gallop-...
While I marathoned the entire G4 (well at least FiM, the 2017 film and the EQG films), I really tried to pay close attention to the soundtrack, most specifically the background scores, aside from the incredible thematic continuity that William Anderson d