• If the citation is longer than one line, all lines after the first should be indented (this is called a hanging indent). • Citations are double-spaced. • When citing a source, if you don't find the needed information, simply skip it. For example, if a webpage doesn't ...
MLA Citation – Version #2.11 1. For citing a book with only one author (a) reverse the author’s name and add a comma in the middle, then add a period (b1) the title of the book (b2) (if there’s a subtitle) put a colon after the title, then write the subtitle (b3)...
(2) 古典或经典著作引用格式(Author-Page Citation for Classic and Literary Works with Multiple Editions) 页码信息是必不可少的,而除此之外的其他引用信息则会对那些和你持有不同版本的古典著作(如,马克思和恩格斯的《共产党宣言》)的学者们有所帮助。这时,在你所用版本的页码后应加一分号,然后附上卷(vol.)...
一、 引文的格式 引文的格式可采用文中夹注、脚注和尾注的形式。MLA和APA格式不采用脚注或尾注,而使用文中夹注的形式,MLA格式要求标明作者的姓和页数,它们之间没有逗号。APA要求括号里标明作者姓名、出版日期,引文的其他信息可在参考文献中找到。 1 文中夹注(Parenthetical Citation) 1)引文较短时,要用双引号括起来...
其次,Citation Machine也很优秀,根据网站的提示点击下一步,然后选择文献书籍按钮。然后输入要引用的文献的关键字并选择适当的文献,确认文献后将会自动跳到输入内容参考信息的步骤。在这一个页面上,还能选择“整本书的引用”或“引用章节”,最后单击下一步就能成功生成引用的正确格式。 4、一些低质的mla生成器会带来...
How to cite a book with multiple authors in MLA format You can reference a work with more than one author by reworking the author element of the citation. For a book citation with two authors, use the following format: Last name, First name, and First name Last name.Book title.Publisher...
is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation ...
1。1 In-text Citation: Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord toPythagoras,who lived in the sixth century BC(Marcuse 197). 而在论文末尾的“引用文献”(Works Cited)部分(按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列),则可根据作者姓氏很容易的找出该引用文献的详细信息。包括作者名(姓+逗号+名)、著作...
(2)古典或经典著作引用格式(Author-PageCitationforClassicandLiteraryWorkswith MultipleEditions) 1 页码信息是必不可少的,而除此之外的其他引用信息则会对那些和你持有不同版本的古 典著作(如,马克思和恩格斯的《共产党宣言》)的学者们有所帮助。这时,在你所用版本 ...
IN-TEXT CITATIONS: AUTHOR-PAGE STYLE 文中引用:作者-页码 MLA格式遵循“作者-页码”的引用方法。这意味着作者的姓氏和引用的页码必须出现在正文中,而且完整的参考文献应出现在你的 "作品引用 "页上。作者的名字可以出现在句子本身,也可以出现在引用或转述的括号里,但页码应该在括号里,而不是出现在句子的...