In-text Citation Structure (Last Name Page #) OR Last Names (Page #) Example (Murakami 27) OR Murakami (27) Citing a chapter of a book in MLA Works Cited Structure Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of chapter or section.”Title of the Book, edited by First name Last name,...
Franck, Caroline, et al. “Agricultural Subsidies and the American Obesity Epidemic.” American Journal of Preventative Medicine, vol. 45, no. 3, Sept. 2013, pp. 327-333.CITING MULTIPLE WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR 引述同一作者的多部作品 如果你引用了作者的多个作品,请为你所引用的特定作品加上简...
Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method. University of California Press, 1966. IN-TEXT CITATIONS FOR PRINT SOURCES WITH NO KNOWN AUTHOR 对未知作者的作品引用 当引用来源于未知作者时,按照这些准则,使用作品的缩短标题而不是作者姓名。 如果是短篇作品(如文章)...
When citing a single volume of a multi-volume book in MLA, the surname of the author(s) and page range are used in the narrative and parenthetical. In the absence of page numbers, the surname alone can be used. In-text citation template and example: Narrative: Author Surname (Page) Mac...
For example, an e-book citation requires additional elements, like the source URL. The format for citing a textbook with multiple authors also varies from a standard MLA book citation. Referencing classical works that don’t have a definitive publication date or author, like the Bible, also req...
1、三种Citation格式引用类型的适用场景 在之前提到的那三种常用引用类型,其中MLA和APA属于author date,Chicago格式属于Notes and Bibliography,不过有时候Chicago也可以用author-date。 虽然可以这样进行归类,但是同属于author date的MLA和APA在格式上也还是有些差别的,这个会在后文进行补充。
Chicago in-text citation examples Chicago citation examples: Book Chicago citation examples: Journal Article Chicago citation examples: Website Chicago citation examples: Video Chicago citation examples: AI Citation examples for multiple authors APA citation examples for more than one author MLA citation ...
8.1 Content of Parenthetical Citations (引文出处信息)引语出处的信息一般只包括作者姓名和页码,中间不需要逗号。当作者姓名已出现在文句中,就不需要在括号中再重复。Author named in text (行文中出现作者姓名)Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary ...
IN-TEXT CITATIONS: AUTHOR-PAGE STYLE 文中引用:作者-页码 MLA格式遵循“作者-页码”的引用方法。这意味着作者的姓氏和引用的页码必须出现在正文中,而且完整的参考文献应出现在你的 "作品引用 "页上。 作者的名字可以出现在句子本身,也可以出现在引用或转述的括号里,但页码应该在括号里,而不是出现在句子的正文...
Web page with multiple authors Web page with no known author If you’re trying to cite a website in MLA, theChegg Writing MLA citation generatorcould help. Help protect your paper against accidental plagiarism with the Chegg Writingplagiarism checkerandcitation generator. ...