3. 顺序探索设计(Sequential Exploratory Design) 特点:先进行定性研究,后进行定量研究,以验证定性研究结果。 适用场景:当研究领域较新,缺乏已有量化数据时。 示例:研究某种新型心理疗法时,先进行访谈(定性)了解患者的体验,然后用问卷(定量)进行大规模验证。 4. 变换设计(Transformative Mixed Methods Design) 特点:根...
An exploratory sequential mixed methods design was employed to study two different samples of Italian manufacturing companies over two phases. For each sample, a different questionnaire was distributed to the companies' quality managers. As a result, eleven themes were elicited and tested. These ...
3. 顺序探索设计(Sequential Exploratory Design) 特点:先进行定性研究,后进行定量研究,以验证定性研究结果。 适用场景:当研究领域较新,缺乏已有量化数据时。 示例:研究某种新型心理疗法时,先进行访谈(定性)了解患者的体验,然后用问卷(定量)进行大规模验证。 4. 变换设计(Transformative Mixed Methods Design) 特点:根...
11. Using mixed-methods sequential explanatory design: From theory to practice 12. Feature Topic Mixed Methods in the Organizational Sciences 13. Mixed methods for policy research and program evaluation 14. Best practices for mixed methods research in the health sciences. National Institutes of Health...
Exploratory sequentialIn an exploratory sequential design, qualitative data collection and analysis occurs first, followed by quantitative data collection and analysis.You can use this design to first explore initial questions and develop hypotheses. Then you can use the quantitative data to test or ...
An exploratory sequential mixed methods design to evaluate stakeholders’ perspective in promoting Angola small-scale farmers’ resilience to climate change. DOI:https://doi.org/10.59455/jomes.41 Abstract views:114 /PDF downloads:39 José Vinevala, Keith Halcro, Madhu Acharyya ...
I used a sequential, exploratory, mixed methods design to develop the survey. Multistage purposeful sampling was used to recruit participants from a small southeastern university. I used open-ended questions in Study 1 to obtain participants' perceptions of mentors' and mentees' roles in mentoring ...
Employing an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design that combines thematic analysis and fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), we investigated the relationship between the livelihood strategies and outcomes of rural tourism households under the influence of tourism seasonality in the Lijiang...
an exploratory sequential mixed methods approach to understanding researchers data management practices at uvm: findings from the qualitative phase recomme... 2017. "An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Researchers' Data Management Practices at UVM: Findings from the Qualitative ...
This study employed a mixed methods exploratory sequential design (qual+QUAN) to operationalize and validate the construct of critical literacy as teacher practice and determine the factors of critical literacy instruction. The first phase of the study explored 20 teacher educators and K-12 teachers'...