Sequential designThis article discusses a procedure of mixed methods sequential explanatory design used to conduct sequential QUAN鈫扱UAL mixed methods study. The methodological procedures are explained using a mixed methods study of innovation in the Australian Public Service (APS). The sequential ...
11. Using mixed-methods sequential explanatory design: From theory to practice 12. Feature Topic Mixed Methods in the Organizational Sciences 13. Mixed methods for policy research and program evaluation 14. Best practices for mixed methods research in the health sciences. National Institutes of Health...
2. 顺序解释设计(Sequential Explanatory Design) 特点:先进行定量研究,后进行定性研究,以解释定量研究结果。 适用场景:当定量数据得出了统计结论,但需要进一步理解背后原因时。 示例:如果调查发现大学生对在线课程的满意度较低,可以后续进行焦点小组讨论(定性)深入了解他们的不满点。 3. 顺序探索设计(Sequential Explora...
六個主要的方法,在此只討論一項:SequentialExplanatoryDesign •先用一個方法,再用另一個方法•重點在解釋 10 SixMajorDesignsofMixedMethods:SequentialExplanatoryDesign •Moststraightforward,aimtoexplain(此法直接清楚)•Collectandanalyzequantitativedatafirst,thencollectandanalyzequalitativedata(先搜集量化資料,再...
Design A mixed-methods sequential explanatory design [41] sought to investigate the association between place of birth and ethnicity. This involved, first, quantitative exploration of the associations between ethnicity and place of birth; second, qualitative exploration of the choices of the ethnic grou...
The combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods in educational research to be useful to novice researchers who are in quandary to adopt explanatory sequential mixed method as a research method and it also creates a roadmap in educational research indicating methodological possibilities for new ...
Methods This study employed a mixed-method explanatory sequential design, using a tailored implementation intervention to implement ScreenMen in an urban health clinic. Quantitative phase focused on patient uptake of ScreenMen and healthcare provider involvement, utilizing Google Analytics and provider quest...
Who Cares for the Caregiver? An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods DesignThe purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of life of caregivers. Understanding the impact of caregiving for a critically ill family member on the caregiver shapes the purpose of this study. The related ...
Using mixed-methods sequential explanatory design: from theory to practice. Field Methods. 2006;18(1):3–20. Article Google Scholar Miller W, Rollnick S. Motivational Interviewing: Helping people to change. 3rd ed. New York: The Guilford Press; 2012. Google Scholar Whitmore J. Coaching ...
Methods An explanatory sequential mixed-methods study design, with a quantitative focus, was conducted using routinely collected quantitative EHR record hospital data and qualitative semi-structured focus groups and interviews. The quantitative data were collected and analysed under a retrospective cohort stu...