People seem to have a fascination with Poodle mixed breeds. Why? Who knows; maybe becausePoodlesare very intelligent anddo not shed. They tend to behypoallergenicfor most owners and are often a good choice for allergy sufferers. Keep in mind however, if you mix a Poodle with a dog that ...
Among Chinese Dog Breeds, the Shih Tzu is probably the most popular one around the world. This breed stands out from other Chinese breeds like the Shar-Pei and the Pug. 20 Uniquely Adorable Shih Tzu Mixes You Should Consider For Your Next Pet Read More » Poochon – Interesting Facts Ab...
If you’re looking for a unique dog breed, then boxita is the dog for you. This hybrid breed is a mix between the boxer and the Akita. As both parent breeds are large and powerful dogs who take their guarding responsibilities very seriously, the boxita also makes a fantastic guard dog...
Both Golden Retrievers and Poodles have some of thebest temperaments for families. As a result, both land in the top 10 list of most popular dog breeds. The Goldendoodle is highly affectionate and playful. There isnot a single aggressive bonein these dogs. ...
The papillon itself is one of the oldest dog breeds, with records that go back 700 years in Europe. The papillon was initially bred as a companion dog, and this trait has been passed down to the papillon mix breeds. Fun Fact The papillon breed is sometimes called the butterfly dog ...
German Shepherd mix breeds are active, intelligent, affectionate and easy to train. They come in a huge range of weights and heights depending on the breed that a purebred German Shepherd dog was crossed with. These dogs are likely to be protective, have guarding or watchdog instincts, and ...
Step-by-step tips for puppy housebreaking, dog obedience training and stopping bad behavior. Sign Up Mixed Dog BreedsMixed Breed dogs or CrossBreeds are usually a mixture of two different purebred dogs with parents of a mixed heritage. For example, Maltepoo (Maltese-Poodle), Afghan Retriever (...
Mini Doodles have one Toy or Miniature Poodle parent, and another parent from a little dog breed. Small doodles are friendly, loyal and loving pets. These tiny Doodles are often low shedding too! Today we’ll share a complete list of Mini Doodle dog breeds. Looking at the pros and cons ...
You may want to consider getting yourself a Golden Retriever mix breed, combining the loveable loyal nature of aGolden Retriever, with all sorts of traits from other dog breeds that could fit your family. We’ve put together a list of 20 of the most popular Golden Retriever mixes going, in...
This crossbreed is probably the most energetic Catahoula mix on our list. Both breeds are infamous as great working dogs, so you better have a job ready for their offspring or they will quickly get bored. 6. Husky Catahoula mix Source: @_wheresstevie_ / IG ...