Papillon mixes are often considered designer breeds and are highly sought-after. Slogan Fluffy, energetic lap dog Papillon Mix Physical Characteristics Color Brown Grey Black White Tan Skin Type Fur Lifespan 13-15 years Weight 3-24 pounds Height 6-17 inches Papillon Mix Pictures View all of our...
People seem to have a fascination with Poodle mixed breeds. Why? Who knows; maybe becausePoodlesare very intelligent anddo not shed. They tend to behypoallergenicfor most owners and are often a good choice for allergy sufferers. Keep in mind however, if you mix a Poodle with a dog that ...
If you think you’ve seen all cute dog breeds, then you haven’t seen an Aussiedoodle yet. This is actually a dog of the Australian Shepherd poodle mix. This dog is Aussiedoodle – An Energetic and Family Friendly Designer Dog Mix Read More » Cockapoo – Facts, Temperament & Guide ...
Both Golden Retrievers and Poodles have some of thebest temperaments for families. As a result, both land in the top 10 list of most popular dog breeds. The Goldendoodle is highly affectionate and playful. There isnot a single aggressive bonein these dogs. ...
Unfortunately, this pointer mix can inherit many health conditions from its parent breeds. So, it’s best to observe your canine companion for symptoms of the following health concerns: Cataracts This hereditary condition clouds the lens of the dog’s eyes, making them opaque and impairing its ...
Step-by-step tips for puppy housebreaking, dog obedience training and stopping bad behavior. Sign Up Mixed Dog BreedsMixed Breed dogs or CrossBreeds are usually a mixture of two different purebred dogs with parents of a mixed heritage. For example, Maltepoo (Maltese-Poodle), Afghan Retriever (...
To ensure your Border Collie-Dachshund doesn’t become aggressive, ensure thedog goes through early socialization. Are Border Collie-Dachshund mixes good for first-time owners? Sadly, this isn’t the best choice for first-time owners, and the parent breeds aren’t a good choice either. ...
Siamese cats often bond deeply with one person and are known for following their favorite people around and even “speaking” with them. They have a reputation as being almost dog-like in how they interact with people, particularly children. They’re also one of the most vocal breeds in the...
The Sheepadoodle is known to be one of the energetic and playful dog breeds. Your Sheepadoodle needs to get going a lot physically! They will need a lot of playing and walking around. So, if you’re not the one up for a challenge like this, then you have to learn how to keep up...
Pomimo Dog Pomimo Puppy Pictures Pomimo Puppy Quick Information Other Names Eskipom, Eskiranian, American Eskimo Pomeranian mix Coat Long, thick with dense undercoat Color Orange, red, cream, white, black, blue, brown, orange sable, wolf sable, black and tan, particolored, brindle Breed Type...