A sudden restart is made if an alarm is reset with the run signal on. Do not modify the equipment. Use a noise filter, etc. to minimize the influence of electromagnetic interference, which may be caused by electronic equipment used near MELSERVO-J2M. Burning or breaking each unit may cause...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) MITSUBISHI 三菱 MR-J2-A Absolute Position Detection System Installation Guide用户手册说明书.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 MITSUBISHI三菱MR-J2-AAbsolutePositionDetectionSystemInstallationGuide用户手册说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文...
MITSUBISHI三菱MELDAS分度功能内藏AC伺服MR-J2-CT系列 规格使用说明书(Eng).pdf,MELDAS is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Other company and product names that appear in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their re
Relay terminal (MR-J2CN3TM) is a tool designated for MDS-B-SVJ2 and MR-J2-CT. In case that DO output has already been used, let the signal go through to encourage the D/A output by using a relay terminal as the D/A output, contactor and DO output for break control shares the ...
Number of Auxiliary Axes (MR-J2-CT) 2 1.1.4 Number of Simultaneous Contouring Control Axes2 1.1.5 Max. Number of NC Axes in a Part System 2 1.2 Control Part System2 1.2.1 Standard Number of Part Systems2 1.2.2 Max. Number of Part Systems2 1.3 Control Axes and Operation ...
Servo amplifier Servo amplifier (MR-H-BN) (MR-J2 -B) 2 - 2 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (b) When using the Dividing cable Extension of the Q series module Power supply module/ Motion module Q CPU/ I/O module/ Intelligent (Q172LX, Q172EX, Q173PX) function module of the Q series Motion...
4. When a personal computer is connected for use of the test operation mode, always use the maintenance junction card (MR- J2CN3TM) to enable the use of the forced stop (EM1). (Refer to section 12.1.5) 5. CN1A, CN1B, CN2 and CN3 have the same shape. Wrong connection of the ...
256 Parameter numbers during initial parameter error258 Troubleshooting the spindle system when there is no alarm or warning259 10. Appendix 261 10.1 List of Alarms261 10.1.1 Operation Alarms261 10.1.2 Stop Codes 269 10.1.3 Servo/Spindle Alarms 273 10.1.4 MCPAlarm282 10.1.5...
(MR-H-BN) (MR-J2 -B) (Note-5) : When using the A31TU-D3 /A31TU-DN , be sure to use the Q173CPUN-T. (Note-6) : A31TU-D3 /A31TU-DN corresponds to only Japanese. It does not correspond to display for English. 2 - 2 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (b) When using the Dividing...
7 spindles R7200 R3400 R7300 R3500 MR-J2-CT NC -> PLC (Max. 7 axes) R7400 R3600 MR-J2-CT PLC -> NC (Max. 7 axes) R7500 System reserve R3700 (Do not use.) R7600 (Note) The system reserve area is used R3800 R7700 for function expansion by R3900 R7800 Mitsubishi, and ...