Operation section Used to perform status display, diagnostic, alarm and MR-J2S- A parameter setting operations. Servo Amplifier MODE UP DOWN SET Instruction Manual CHARGE Used to set data. MODE UP DOWN SET Used to change the display or data in each mode. Used to change the mode. Charge ...
Names Abbreviation IBM PC/AT in which PC-DOS V5.0 or later version is installed IBM PC MR-H-BN/MR-J2S-B/MR-J2-B type servo amplifier MR- -B AC motor drive module ADU IBM PC/AT is a register trade mark of the International Business Machines Corporation. 1 − 1 1. GENERAL ...
The MR-J2S- B/MR-J2-03B5 servo amplifier may be connected on the same bus. 12. Always insert the termination connector (MR-A-TM) into CN1B of the interface unit located at the termination. 13. The bus cable used with the SSCNET depends on the preceding or subsequent controller or ...
P, S, T Section 13.1.3 Can be used with the MR-J2S-500A to MR-J2S-22KA. Alarm history clear Alarm history is cleared. P, S, T Parameter No. 16 If the input power supply voltage had reduced to cause an Restart after instantaneous alarm but has returned to normal, the servo motor...
Once the home position has been set, home position return is not required at power on, alarm occurrence, etc. The MR-J2S-CP-S084 is made easier to use and higher in function by using it with the MR Configurator (servo configuration software). 1.1.1 Features of CC-Link communication ...
(-S1) Manual pulse generator interface module MR-H-BN Servo amplifier model MR-H BN MR-J2 -B Servo amplifier model MR-J2S- B/MR-J2M-B/MR-J2- B/MR-J2-03B5 General name for Servo amplifier model MR-H BN/MR-J2S- B/MR-J2M-B/ AMP or Servo amplifier MR-J2- B/MR-J2-03B5, ...
Q172J2BCBL!M Connection between Q172CPU(N) and Battery unit (Q170BAT), Battery Q172CPU(N) and servo amplifier (MR-J2S-!B/MR-J2M-B/ unit Q172J2BCBL!M-B MR-J2-!B/MR-J2-03B5) needs to 0.5m(1.64ft.), 1m(3.28ft.), 5m(16.4ft.) —— use “-B” Q172HBCBL!M Connection ...
When using a regenerative brake resistor, switch power off with an alarm signal. A regenerative brake transistor failure or the like can overheat the regenerative brake resistor abnormally, causing a fire. Provide anti-thermal measures such as flame-retarding treatment for the control box inside ...
(-S1) Manual pulse generator interface module MR-H-BN Servo amplifier model MR-H BN MR-J2-B Servo amplifier model MR-J2S- B/MR-J2M-B/MR-J2- B/MR-J2-03B5 General name for Servo amplifier model MR-H BN/MR-J2S- B/MR-J2M-B/ AMP or Servo amplifier MR-J2- B/MR-J2-03B5, ...