· Glass slides · Water · Glycerin · Stain - Aceto-carmine or Aceto-orcein · Hydrochloric acid solution (1N HCL) · Onion with freshly grown roots · Microscope · Stop clock · Water bath · Dissecting needlesProcedure* Having a pair of gloves, safety goggles, and safety mask is...
Prevalent process for this task is by manually observing Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) stained histopathology sections on glass slides through a microscope by trained pathologists. This conventional approach is tedious, error-prone, and has shown high inter-observer variability. With the advancement ...
For example, cell images under phase contrast microscope contain halos and shade-offs. The imaging model can be generally formulated as (6.11)g=P⊛f+C where f represents the ideal image (the artifact-free image to be restored), g represents the observed images that must be dealt with ...
Light microscopy For immunolabelled cells, we used poly-l-lysine-coated Ibidi chamber slides (eight-well, Ibidi 80826). The wells were filled with 1× PBS and 0.4 µM Hoechst 33342 (ThermoFischer 62249) was added. Immunostained cells were added to wells and allowed to settle for an ...
DNA spreading was performed as follow: 2.5 μl of each cell suspension was spotted at the end of the microscope slide (SuperFrost slides; VWR international, Radnor, PA) and air-dried for a few minutes. Thereafter 7.5 μl of the lysis solution (200 mM Tris-HCl-pH 7.5, 50 mM ...
The cells were monitored on an inverted microscope (Axio Observer.Z1/7, Carl Zeiss) using an LD Plan-NEOFLUAR 20x NA 0.4 Korr Ph2 M27 objective lens. Images were captured every 2 min for 48 h using a digital camera (ORCA, Hamamatsu) and were processed by the ZEISS ZEN2 image ...
Materials This lab requires prepared slides of whitefish blastula, onion root tips, and Sordaria, pencil, paper, a light microscope, and a chromosome simulation kit. Methods Exercise 3A.1: Observing Mitosis Prepared slides of whitefish blastula and onion root tips were observed under the 10X and ...
Cells embedded in the 2-mm-deep plastic disks were examined for further selection in a phase-contrast microscope fitted with a long-focal-length condenser. Individual cells were serially sectioned (thickness = 50 nm as judged by interference colours) using the MT2-B ‘Porter-Blum’ Ultramicrotom...
Wells containing single colonies were identified under a transluminescence microscope and progressively expanded to larger culture volumes. One successful knock-out clone could be identified by means of immunofluorescence as well as western blotting of total cell extracts. A bi-allelic single dA ...
Slides were imaged using a Leica DMI6000 microscope and analysed using the MetaMorph software (Molecular Devices). Scoring polyploid cell population in human cells Asynchronous growing cells were fixed with 70% ethanol, stained with PI, passed through 40 μm filter to remove aggregated cells. ...