Takeshi was an amphibian cell culture expert and he taught me how to grow lung cells from the local newt (Taricha granulosa) which was abundant in the cool lakes and wet forests of Oregon. He thought they would be excellent material for studying mitosis because newts have some of the larges...
Activation of tumor-intrinsic innate immunity has been a major strategy for improving immunotherapy. Previously, we reported an autophagy-promoting function of the deubiquitinating enzyme TRABID. Here, we identify a critical role of TRABID in suppressing
Internodal cells of the main axis develop from a uninucleate segment cell (Pickett-Heaps, 1967). This nucleus and all further nuclei divide in the absence of a spindle, a process that is referred to as amitosis (equal division) or fragmentation (unequal division) (Bucher, 1959; Kisser, 192...
Mitosis is an ancient eukaryotic process, and a number of variations emerged during evolution. Many single-celled eukaryotes, including yeast and slime molds, undergo a closed mitosis, in which spindle formation and chromosome segregation occur within an intact nuclear envelope to which the spindle ...
Transfected cells were co-stained for spindle using an anti-tubulin antibody (red) and for centromere labeling using anti-centromere auto-antibody (ACA; white). The DNA was labeled with DAPI (blue). Surprisingly, as shown in Supplementary Fig. 1c, chro- mosomes from all three different ...
CELLDIVISION!!Whathappensifcelldivisionisuncontrolled?Somethingundesirable!Forexample,melanoma,atypeofskincancercausedbyuncontrolledgrowthofmelanocytes.CellDivision Cellularreproductionisakeyelementof lifeRequires3things:1)Replicationofgeneticmaterials 2)Accuratesegregationofgeneticmaterials3)Divisionofcytoplasm ...
Consistent with the role of FANCA in cell division, we observed an increased frequency of abnormal mitotic figures in FANCA−/− marrows compared with marrow aspirates of patients diagnosed with immune-mediated aplastic anemia after excluding FA by negative chromosome breakage tests (p = 0.01) ...
1. What are the three key roles of cell division? State each role, and give an example.Key Role Example 2. What is meant by the cell cycle?Concept 12.1 Cell division results in genetically identical daughter cells 3. What is the meaning of genome? Compare your genome to that ...
Also, clinical evidence shows that increased SHCBP1 prognosticates a poor response of patients to trastuzumab therapy. Theaflavine-3, 3’-digallate (TFBG) is identified as an inhibitor of the SHCBP1-PLK1 interaction, which is a potential trastuzumab sensitizing agent and, in combination with ...
Under an Elsevier user license open archivePreviously, we reported that dietary choline influences development of the hippocampus in fetal rat brain. It is important to know whether similar effects of choline occur in developing fetal mouse brain because interesting new experimental approaches are now ...