b, Schematic diagram of [U-13C] glutamine tracing to assess separation of oxidative and reductive metabolism. Isotope-labelled glutamine can be deaminated and oxidized in the TCA cycle to generate M+4 malate. In a physically connected environment, malate M+4 can leave the TCA cycle (oxidative...
Mitochondria are labelled in pink. Scale bar = 2 lm; (bottom left and middle) Quantification of mitochondrial volume fraction (%Vv) and mitochondrial number per cross-section in proliferating and senescent (3 days after 20-Gy X-ray) MRC5 fibroblasts treated with or without ...
Following extensive washing, the membranes were incubated with an appropriate HRP-labelled secondary antibody. The blots were then developed using the enhanced Western Bright ECL reagent (Advansta, Menlo Park, CA, United States). The levels of protein expression were semi-quantified by optical ...
The diagram in Figure 12 shows the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle. Analysis of the HuTu 80 cell cycle after treatment with compounds at IC50 for 48 h revealed a significant delay of cells in the G0/G1 phase for 4b, 5b, and 8 compared with the control. Compound 6a...
All the edges are enumerated in chronological order such that from one node 𝑗j the connecting edges to this node are labelled from 𝑘>𝑖k>i. As illustrated on Figure 1, 𝑥1x1 represents the edge 𝑒(1,2)e(1,2), i.e., the edge between the node 1 and the node 2; 𝑥2x...