一个是 Neuroscience 比较常规的项目,就是脑电信号解码,差不多都是用 model去训练模型去做预测。第二段起始于我看文章后主动和老师提出的想法。这个项目老师非常喜欢,就让实验室差不多一半的人都投入这个项目。这也是我能拿到比较好的推荐信的一个很重要的因素,就是老师非常喜欢我的项目,并且让我来做这个...
BASIC QUALIFICATIONS - Individuals with doctoral degrees (MD, PhD, PharmD, JD, or equivalent) and training or experience in clinical neurology or psychiatry, basic neuroscience, or in a relevant field such as pharmacoepidemiology,epidemiology, or health policy 基本资格 - 具有博士学位(医学博士、药学...
在浙大做了两段是因为当时YQ我回杭州了。为了能够尽量保持线下,同时也因为转换研究方向,我选择来浙大找老师,没跟着复旦老师继续做。 然后接下来两个项目是在MIT这边做的。一个是 Neuroscience 比较常规的项目,就是脑电信号解码,差不多都是用 model去训练模型去做预测。第二段起始于我看文章后主动和老师提出的想法。
之后我开始对 Neuroscience 感兴趣,做的是脑机接口、脑电解码,跟的是浙大脑院的一个老师。在浙大做了两段是因为当时YQ我回杭州了。为了能够尽量保持线下,同时也因为转换研究方向,我选择来浙大找老师,没跟着复旦老师继续做。 然后接下来两个项目是在MIT这边做的。一个是 Neuroscience 比较常规的项目,就是脑电信号...
Each year, the program accepts approximately 50 master’s and PhD candidates with backgrounds ranging from computer science to psychology, architecture to neuroscience, mechanical engineering to material science, and more. Programme Struct...
“I think if you’re a girl and you’re good at science, people tell you to be a doctor,” she says. She was accepted into McGill University as a neuroscience major. Then, on a whim, and with her father’s encouragement, she visited the University of Toronto and met a professor ...
The positions in the table below reflect the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Mas...
The fellows’ expertise includes floodplain agriculture (Chen Chu), coastal resilience (James Brice), engineering/neuroscience (Alexandra Rieger), or textiles (Tiandra Ray), among many other design-related fields. By putting various design experts in the same program and having them meet regularly, ...