我自己在进校前的意向专业是机械工程,但因为专业相关背景基本空白,选择的原因主要是出于好奇,没有确定下来。 在freshman fall的advising seminar(第一学期,学校强制要求学生修读一门学术辅导课程,这门课程将帮助学生更好的适应美国大学的教学方式)里直接需要以四人小组的形式来从头到尾完成一个工程项目,才因此接触并了...
Fall 2019: source codeThis is an introductory course on Computational Thinking. We use the Julia programming language to approach real-world problems in varied areas applying data analysis and computational and mathematical modeling. In this class you will learn computer science, software, algorithms,...
Fall 2019:source code This is an introductory course on Computational Thinking. We use theJulia programming languageto approach real-world problems in varied areas applying data analysis and computational and mathematical modeling. In this class you will learn computer science, software, algorithms, app...
01. 麻省理工学院 3月14日,也就是MIT的"π Day",学校公布了2024Fall的录取结果,跟往年一样,今年的MIT录取难度依旧是美本“天花板”级别。 根据MIT官方数据,今年,包括早申和常规申请在内,共有28,232名学生申请2028届MIT,学校最终录取1...
the university has its own MIT cybersecurity course. In terms of MIT and cryptocurrency, blockchain technology at MIT is being considering as a system of awarding digital diplomas in addition to traditional ones and, besides that, the university has its own standards and certificates for blockchai...
春日留学,梦想盛宴! 3月13日至3月22日 芝士圈留学一站式早鸟服务 签约即享最高3000元现金优惠! 中外导师合作,覆盖申请全流程 为25/26Fall的申请保驾护航 助力实现留学梦想 让人生多一种可能! 👇 更多服务详情 点击下方“阅读原文...
同时已完成对CMU 15 445 Fall 2023 project的讲解。现在正在更新CMU的15-445 《数据库系统导论》课程。
An off-shoot of the infamous “How to Make (Almost) Anything” course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,“How to Grow (Almost) Anything”tackles the core concepts behind designing with biology – prototyping biomolecules, engineering biological computers, and 3D printing biomaterials. The ...
Urban Transportation Planning MIT Course 1.252j/11.540j Fall 2008 Frederick Salvucci, MIT Senior LecturerPlanning, Urban TransportationSalvucci, Frederick
MIT 8.01SC Classical Mechanics, Fall 2016麻省理工:经典力学,2016年秋听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课