总结一下,学习国外实录的网课你需要看好日程表,先做课前阅读,再看视频,在做课后作业。 而mit网课有以下优点 1 名校 /和线下一样 2 上课时间更有灵活性 3 不花钱 当然缺点也很明显 1要求外语 2学完别人不承认 当然便宜和承认度是成反比的,国外上完课有光发证书的,也有带学分的(Transferable Credit)带学分的...
CSE是course 6-3 课程设置参见这里 MIT Course Catalog: Course 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 好难看懂是不是...
课程目录PDF:https://www.awesomemath.org/wp-pdf-files/amsp/amsp_course_catalog_2024_v1.pdf#zoom=150 暑期每门课程形式: 1. 连续三周在周一至周五进行虚拟会议(90分钟的讲座,然后是60分钟的问题解决会议) 2. 所有课程都是现场直播和讲师指导的,所有讲座均被录音 3. 每天布置和提交家庭作业以及进行反馈和...
Lab1实验讲义github.com/ZLhhs/MIT-6.830-DatabaseSystem-PdfNotes/blob/main/course-info_lab1.SimpleDB.pdf 练习部分: Lab1一共有6个练习,分别是 Tuple TupleDesc Catalog BufferPool HeapPage HeapPageID RecordId HeapFile SeqScan Exercise 1:Tuple和TupleDesc直接无脑写就完事了~ Exercise 2:Catalog相当...
exercise2 Catalog exercise3 BufferPool exercise4 HeapPage exercise5 HeapFile exercise6 Operators reference 2021/03/30-2021/03/31 前言# 课程地址:http://db.lcs.mit.edu/6.830/sched.php 代码:https://github.com/MIT-DB-Class/simple-db-hw 讲义:https://github.com/MIT-DB-Class/course-info-2018...
Canvas- course announcements will be posted on Canvas. Gradescope- submit Psets and check grades through Gradescope. Piazza- ask questions in the course discussion forum. MIT also has excellent study resources:math learning center,TSR^2 study/resource room,pset partners. ...
To enable searching the course catalog on opensearch, run through these steps: Start the services with docker compose up With the above running, run this management command, which kicks off a celery task, to create an opensearch index: docker compose run web python manage.py recreate_index -...
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http://catalog.mit.edu/degree-charts/computer-science-engineering-course-6-3/ MIT Challenge https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/myprojects/mit-challenge-2/ MIT公开课地址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-01-physics-i-fall-2003/
OCW has a dual mission: * To provide free access to virtually all MIT course materials for educators, students, and individual learners around the world.* To extend the reach and impact of MIT OCW and the opencourseware concept.Beginning in 2002, MIT OpenCourseWare has published 1,259 of ...