CSE是course 6-3 课程设置参见这里 MIT Course Catalog: Course 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 好难看懂是不是...
因为之前看了scotth young的mit挑战,然后加上我想转行cs(现在谁不想呢),所以为了能直接进入学习,而不是先考研再学习,计划看视频自学 + coursera 网络学位。 如果你也有兴趣或者交流,可以私信我。这个专题我会持续更新 http://catalog.mit.edu/degree-charts/computer-science-engineering-course-6-3/ https://mit...
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python Machine Learning with Python: From Linear Models to Deep Learning Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance Supply Chain Analytics Sustainable Building Design Sustainable Energy Understanding the World Through Data World Music: Global Rhythms Thes...
http://catalog.mit.edu/degree-charts/computer-science-engineering-course-6-3/ MIT Challenge https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/myprojects/mit-challenge-2/ MIT公开课地址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-01-physics-i-fall-2003/ mooc上的MIT computer science and engineering精选课程 http:/...
Superhero who is an Electrical Engineer presently making some next generation open source tools. Shawn holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Engineering from Rose-Hulman and an MS in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech. Let us find out what he has in store for us in this course...
MIT cs 课程计划 [(http://catalog.mit.edu/degree-charts/computer-science-engineering-course-6-3/)]
Catalog Description:Basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra, emphasizing topics useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, and positive definite matrices. Applications to least-squares approximations, stability ...
ROS – Robot Operating System Course (edX) If you are looking forward to building robotic applications then this is a good place to begin. Since it is an intermediate level program, therefore, basic programming experience in Python, basic computer science concepts, and a computer ready for Ubunt...
Catalog Description: Basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra, emphasizing topics useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, and positive definite matrices. Applications to least-squares approximations, stability...
接下来,MIT EECS的另一特色就立刻展现出来的,第一门就是 Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I 。以专业名+介绍作为学生的第一门课程,国内这样类似的课程通常称为专业导论,大多泛泛而谈,介绍了本专业领域,却又限于课时,没法深入。所以这么课程自然也有着Introduction to Electrical Engineering...