6.042: Mathematics for Computer Science 本课程提供面向计算机科学和工程的离散数学的交互式介绍。主题覆盖范围大致分为三部分: 数学的基本概念:定义,证明,集合,...
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES Course # Course Title Level 6.00SC Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Spring 2011) Undergraduate 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Fall 2008) Undergraduate 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python ...
But after finishing my education, I had this longing for the path not taken. I really wanted to learn computer science. But going back to school didn’t appeal to me, four more years of my life, acceptance boards, tuition bills, I ...
【MIT6.006最新-算法导论】31.Course Review 55:35 【MIT6.006最新-算法导论】32.Algorithms—Next Steps 59:26 【MIT-离散数学】【P2】 -Mathematics for Computer Science 1:19:26 【MIT-离散数学】【P3】 -Mathematics for Computer Science 1:22:01 【MIT-离散数学】【P4】 -Mathematics for Computer Scienc...
MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Lesson one ) 这篇文是记载 MIT 计算机科学及编程导论 第一集 的笔记 Lesson one : Goals of the course;what is computation;introduction to data types,operators,and variables 一 讲解课程的任务、课程目标 ...
【MIT6.006最新-算法导论】31.Course Review 55:35 【MIT6.006最新-算法导论】32.Algorithms—Next Steps 59:26 【MIT-离散数学】【P2】 -Mathematics for Computer Science 1:19:26 【MIT-离散数学】【P3】 -Mathematics for Computer Science 1:22:01 【MIT-离散数学】【P4】 -Mathematics for Computer Scienc...
MIT计算机系课程体系.docx,MIT(麻省理工) /academics-admissions/undergraduate-programs/course-6-3-computer-science-and-engineering 其中6.xx,18.xx等都是课号。 这是一个学期课程安排: Term 1 18.01 8.01 Term 2 18.02 8.02 6.01 Term 3 18.06 6.042 Term 4 6.02 CS
学位类型:Bachelor of Science 专业编号:Course14-2 所属院系:Department of Economics 专业描述:该专业主要面向对掌握经济学理论和技术感兴趣的学生,包括博弈理论、微观经济学理论和计量经济学等。 七个双专业: 专业名称:Minor in Computer Science 所属院系:Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science...
MITinelectricalandelectronicengineeringandcomputer sciencedepartment,allstudentsarerequiredtotakethe followingfourcourses:6.001"computerprogramstructureand interpretation,andofcourseBerkeleyisthesame,usingthe Abelsonofthesamename,teachingmaterials;6.002"circuits andElectronics";"6.003"signalsandsystems(Lecturenotes) 6.004...
CourseMeetingTimes Lectures:2sessions/week,1.5hours/session Prerequisites Thisisasenior-levelclassatMITwhereweexpecttheaveragestudenttobeworkingonabachelor'sormaster'sdegree incomputerscience,tohavetakenourintroductiontocomputerscience(6.001),tohavetakenourcoresoftware ...