After Medicaid expansion began in Missouri in July 2021, the proportion of emergency department visits financed by Medicaid rose by nearly 15 percentage points, while the proportion of such visits financed by the uninsured dropped by 14 percentage points, finds anew analysisfrom the Center for Advanc...
The article focuses on the issue of Medicaid expansion in Missouri. Joseph Parks, medical director, Missouri Department of Mental Health, revealed that under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) federal disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments will gradually decrease to a 50 percent cut. Impacts of...
A brutal form of cynicism lies behind the latest excuse offered by Missouri Senate Republicans for refusing to even discuss an expansion of the state Medicaid program. The proposal would extend health insurance to poor people and bring thousands of jobs to the state by leveraging billions of ...
The Missouri Supreme Court will hear arguments on Medicaid expansion on July 13, according to attorney Chuck Hatfield.
The circuit court, however, sided with the state. The court found that the Medicaid expansion initiative petition itself was not lawfully enacted. However, the court was not convinced by the state’s arguments that lack of funding was the primary reason why this initiative petition co...
JEFFERSON CITY - If conservative Republicans who control the Missouri Legislature follow through on plans to reject an expansion of the Medicaid health care program for the poor, they will be turning down an estimated $8.4 billion windfall from the federal government.Elizabeth Crisp...
Missouri senator pushing Medicaid expansion for veteranskansascity
Ferber, Joel
Editorial: The Medicaid Expansion Argument Is Winning in MissouriWhen examining the recent successes of the Affordable Care Act,many of which were outlined by...Board, the
Editorial: Missouri Republicans Favor Medicaid Expansion for a Favored FewEvery Republican in the Missouri Senate who has publicly opposedMedicaid expansion in the state...Board, the