Mo. House Committee Considers Medicaid ExpansionJEFFERSON CITY A Republican-backed plan to overhaul Missouri'sMedicaid program got support...Crisp, Elizabeth
JEFFERSON CITY * Republican opposition in the state Senate hasdimmed hopes that Missouri will...Young, Virginia
This online appendix provides additional results for Moghtaderi, Pines, Zocchi, and Black, The Effect of ACA Medicaid Expansion on Hospital Revenue (working papMoghtaderi, AliPines, JesseZocchi, MarkBlack, Bernard S.Social Science Electronic Publishing...
Why 23 Protesters Are Facing Trial for Demanding Medicaid Expansion in MoIs a public protest in a state capitol trespassing?That's a central question in the trial of 23...Lewontin, Max
Barnes: Mo. Senate Unwilling to Take Up Medicaid Expansion AlternativeJEFFERSON CITY * The Missouri House signaled on Wednesday an end to this session's Medicaid expansion battle, blaming the Senate for its unwillingness to explore an alternative proposal backed by some House Republicans.Crisp, ...