Of or relating to the state or residents of Mississippi or the Mississippi River. 密西西比的:密西西比州的或密西西比州居民的或密西西比河的或与其有关的 Of, belonging to, or being the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the fifth period of the Paleozoic Era, characterized ...
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2.noting or pertaining to a period of the Paleozoic Era, occurring from about 345 million to 310 million years ago and characterized as the age of amphibians: sometimes considered an epoch of the Carboniferous Period. n. 3.a native or inhabitant of Mississippi. ...
The Mississippian rocks at 5 sections, Kalariz, Peyghambaran, Jaban, Naserabad, and Dozdehban, have been measured and sampled in a SE–NW direction across the Alborz Mountains. Foraminiferal zones recognized in those sections, as well as a revision of other foraminiferal assemblage previously ...
E. alternatus Zone, the Striatifera brazeriana Zone, and the Spirifer brazerianus Zone. Correlations with Mississippian sequences elsewhere in the northern Rocky Mountains emphasize relationships with the Dry Lake and Old Laketown Canyon sections in northern Utah and with the Deep Creek Mountains...
Several source terranes for the Copper Basin Formation (reworked cratonal, chert-rich outer continental margin, and distal carbonate bank) are suggested by siliciclastic and calciclastic conglomeratic turbidites with distinct provenance signatures. This, along with observed on-strike facies changes, ...
Why did the moundbuilders build mounds? The Middle Woodland period (100 B.C. to 200 A.D.) was the first era of widespread mound construction in Mississippi. Middle Woodland peoples were primarily hunters and gatherers who occupied semipermanent or permanent settlements. Some mounds of this perio...
Upper Famennian strata, including a time slice from the international Palmatolepis marginifera conodont Zone to the Protognathodus kockeli conodont Zone, and part of the Cheiloceras ammonoid Zone, upward to the topmost Acutimitoceras ammonoid Zone at the Devonian-Carbonife...
MississippianGeophysicsIdentitySocial organizationWarfareRecent geophysical surveys at six sites in the Illinois River Valley (IRV), just north of the Greater Cahokia area, provide new insights into the region's volatile era of Mississippian occupation by revealing a series of important changes in ...
The seventh largest mass extinction of the Phanerozoic Era occurred in late Mississippian time, coincident with the onset of the extensive late Paleozoic ice age. Analyses of brachiopods collected from Mississippian strata of the Central Appalachian basin reveal that the late Mississippian mass extinction...