Mississippian lithofacies and foraminiferal biozonation of the Alborz Mountains, Iran: Implications for regional geologyAlborzCarboniferousforaminiferal biozonationIranlithofaciesMississippianThe Mississippian rocks at 5 sections, Kalariz, Peyghambaran, Jaban, Naserabad, and Dozdehban, have been measured and ...
Uflmann, A. K., Littke, R., Flippen, D., 2012. Min« eralogy and geochemistry of Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian Black Shales at the North ern Margin of the Variscan Mountain Belt (Ger-- many and Belgium). international journal of coal geology 103, 924 08....
Matchen, D.L., and Kammer, T.W., 2006, Incised valley fill interpretation for Mississippian Black Hand Sandstone, Appalachian Basin, USA: Impli- cations for glacial eustasy at Kinderhookian-Osagean (Tn2-Tn3) bound- ary: Sedimentary Geology, v. 191, p. 89-113, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo....