镜像源端口:(配置成功无报错) dis mirroring-group 1 Mirroring group 1: Type: Local Status: Incomplete Mirroring port: Bridge-Aggregation6 Both Bridge-Aggregation7 Both Bridge-Aggregation14 Both Route-Aggregation2 Both Route-Aggregation4 Both Route-Aggregation90 Both 配置监控端口报错: mirro...
一、定义mirroring group system-viewmirroring-group 2 #group_id 二、定义被镜像的端口,也就是源端口 mirroring-group 2 mirroring-port eth 1/0/4 both 其中both指的是从该端口进来和出去的数据包都将被捕获,还可以选择inbound和outbound 三、定义目的端口 mirroring-group 2 monitor-port eth 1...
port trunk permit vlan 299 源交换机 vlan 299 undo mac-address mac-learning enable mirroring-group 1 remote-source mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port g1/0/x both mirroring-group 1 reflector-port g1/0/51 mirroring-group 1 remote-probe vlan 299 interface bridge-aggra x port trunk permit vlan 2...
要将mirroring-group 2与mirroring-port outbound结合起来使用,你需要在配置镜像组时指定源端口(或接口)为出站流量,并将该组与目的端口相关联。这通常涉及以下步骤: 配置镜像组,指定源端口和目的端口。 确保源端口设置为监控出站流量。 在目的端口上配置相应的流量分析工具或监控软件。 4. 提供具体的配置步骤或示例...
Configure GE1/0/1 of the Switch as a mirrored port to copy the traffic passing through it to different local observing ports. Procedure Configure observing ports. # Configure GE1/0/2 through GE1/0/4 of the Switch as local observing ports in a batch. ...