一、定义mirroring group system-viewmirroring-group 2 #group_id 二、定义被镜像的端口,也就是源端口 mirroring-group 2 mirroring-port eth 1/0/4 both 其中both指的是从该端口进来和出去的数据包都将被捕获,还可以选择inbound和outbound 三、定义目的端口 mirroring-group 2 monitor-port eth 1...
port access vlan 299 mirroring-group 2 monitor-port undo stp enable interface bridge-aggra x port trunk permit vlan 299 源交换机 vlan 299 undo mac-address mac-learning enable mirroring-group 1 remote-source mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port g1/0/x both mirroring-group 1 reflector-port g1/0/...
Status: Incomplete Mirroring port: Bridge-Aggregation6 Both Bridge-Aggregation7 Both Bridge-Aggregation14 Both Route-Aggregation2 Both Route-Aggregation4 Both Route-Aggregation90 Both 配置监控端口报错: mirroring-group 1 monitor-port G1/2/0/12 提示: The type of the mirroring port in the ...
聚合口不支持,配在对应聚合口的物理接口即可。 2022-06-08回答 评论(2) 举报 (0) 回复zhiliao_MBA8mt: monitor-port本来就只能指定一个呀,配置镜像vlan不需要调用monitor-port呀 如果是本地镜像 配置多个group不就行了 Xcheng 发表时间:2022-06-08 更多>> 0 个回答 按时间 按赞数 该问题暂时没有网友...
2. 将监控端口加入到mirroring group 1中: ```bash kubectl addport monitor-port mirroring-group1 ``` 这条命令用于将名为monitor-port的监控端口加入到之前创建的mirroring group 1中,以便对该端口进行流量镜像操作。 3. 配置监控端口的流量镜像规则: ...
[S12500-2]mirroring-group 2 monitor-port GigabitEthernet 2/0/21 Error: Local mirroring-group number exceeds hardware capability. [S12500-2] 配置镜像时提示如下信息 Error: Local mirroring-group number exceeds hardware capability. S12500系列交换机使用芯片对报文进行镜像,硬件资源有限,具体情况如下表。
un mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port #删除镜像源端口