Cancer, the relentless foe of humanity, has claimed countless lives over the years, leaving a trail of suffering in its wake. Amidst this battle against a formidable adversary, an unconventional hero has emerged – Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS which are nicknames for the chemical chlorine dio...
The products known as theMiracle Mineral Supplement, Miracle Mineral Solution,MMS, MMS1& the like should be researched as far as due diligence goes - any product taken in the capacity of a health supplement should be researched carefully. We do not assume responsibility for links going out to ...
Q. I recently read about MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) and was actually reading Jim Humble’s book and some internet forums on the subject. There I read some opinions that MMS also destroys helpful bacteria in the intestines, and it also destroys iron and amino acids and other antioxidants....
The authors conclude that Miracle Mineral Solution is a commonly purchased potentially lethal compound that can cause methemoglobinemia with respiratory failure, hemolytic anemia requiring transfusion, and renal failure requiring dialysis. Despite such cases, MMS continues to be promoted for viral and many...
The husband of a woman who died hours after drinking the liquid supplement Miracle Mineral Solution in 2009 believes the supplement caused her death, according a recent ABC News article and feature segment on ABC's 20/20 in October 2016
The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st CenturyPossible cancellation of copyright: In the event of the death of the author, for any reason, or the detention of the author, for any reason, for more than 60 days during any 6 month period, or if the author is missing for a period of ...
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), also known as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, or the CD protocol, is a controversial substance promoted as a treatment for various diseases. It was developed by Jim Humble, a former aerospace engineer, who initially used it to treat malaria ...
MMS是Miracle Mineral Solution/Supplement英文字头的缩写,可以译作“神奇的矿物质溶液/补充剂”,最初(1996年)是由美国冶金工程师吉姆?汉伯(Jim Humble)发明的,是一种亚氯酸钠水溶液(MMS1)和次氯酸钙(MMS2)粉末。食用后可以在体内分别产生二氧化氯和次氯酸,杀灭体内各种致病菌,缓解或治疗多种疾病,特别是一些疑难杂...
52-year-old Baldwin, an American based in New Jersey, poses as a pastor to effectively and extensively peddle this fraudulent treatment also known as “miracle mineral solution/supplement” or MMS as it is popularly called by about 50,000 Ugandans. MMS is, in fact, chlorine dioxide,...
Nutrition first.By eating well we naturally support our immune function. Vitamin and Mineral supplements can also prove helpful (especially at this time) to provide you with some additional support. As well as keeping active, ensure you are also getting enough rest. Sleep deprivation seriously chal...