Consumers are being warned by the US FDA not to drink Miracle Mineral Solution, an oral liquid solution also known as Miracle Mineral Supplement or MMS, as it may result in serious harm. Several reports of health injuries have been received by the FDA following use of this product, including...
他的书是:《21世纪的神奇矿物质溶液》(The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century)
The protocol entails adding a small amount of DMSO to each hourly dose of MMS, facilitating enhanced absorption and efficacy. By synergistically combining MMS with DMSO, Protocol 1000+DMSO aims to optimize treatment outcomes and accelerate healing, as noted in Jim Humble’sMaster Mineral Solution of...
MMS是Miracle Mineral Solution/Supplement英文字头的缩写,可以译作“神奇的矿物质溶液/补充剂”,最初(1996年)是由美国冶金工程师吉姆?汉伯(Jim Humble)发明的,是一种亚氯酸钠水溶液(MMS1)和次氯酸钙(MMS2)粉末。食用后可以在体内分别产生二氧化氯和次氯酸,杀灭体内各种致病菌,缓解或治疗多种疾病,特别是一些疑难杂症...
MMS是Miracle Mineral Solution/Supplement英文字头的缩写,可以译作“神奇的矿物质溶液/补充剂”,最初(1996年)是由美国冶金工程师吉姆•汉伯(Jim Humble)发明的,是一种亚氯酸钠水溶液(MMS1)和次氯酸钙(MMS2)粉末。食用后可以在体内分别产生二氧化氯和次氯酸,杀灭体内各种致病菌,缓解或治疗多种疾病,特别是一些疑难...
Church members drink toxic industrial bleach as Miracle Mineral Solution “America and Europe have much stricter laws so you are not as free to treat people because it is so controlled by the FDA. That’s why I work in developing countries,” Robert Baldwin of the Global Healing Chr...
The products known as theMiracle Mineral Supplement, Miracle Mineral Solution,MMS, MMS1& the like should be researched as far as due diligence goes - any product taken in the capacity of a health supplement should be researched carefully. We do not assume responsibility for links going out to...
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), also known as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, or the CD protocol, is a controversial substance promoted as a treatment for various diseases. It was developed by Jim Humble, a former aerospace engineer, who initially used it to treat malaria ...
549 Words 3 Pages Open Document Try Paraphrasing tool Miracle Mineral Supplement, frequently alluded to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, or MMS, is a poisonous arrangement of 28% sodium chlorite in refined water. The item contains basically the same fixing as modern quality bl...