SAP-MM MIR7 51200002设定成与税赋无关 错误如下图: 错误讯息:科目***已设置为与税务不相关 T-CODE:FS00 需设定 公司——总帐科目——控制资料 正确设定:
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Goto t-code se19 and create an implementation class for BADI def INVOICE_UPDATE this implementation will have 3 methods CHANGE_AT_SAVE : Invoice Document at Save CHANGE_BEFORE_UPDATE : Invoice Document Before Update CHANGE_IN_UPDATE : Invoice Document ...
Some of SAP customers need to change reconciliation account while posting invoices due to legal procedures. It is possible to change it in FI t-codes like FB60,FV60, etc. with using special gl indicator. But if you are using MM-IV for all invoices, you won’t be able to cha...
When you will go for reverse an invoice from MIRO, then system will search for the authorization of MR8M t-code for the user. So, if you will remove the authorization for MR8M t-code from the user, then the user will not be able to reverse the invoice from MIRO. System will give yo...
lt_materialdataLIKETABLEOFbapi_incinv_create_material, ls_materialdataLIKEbapi_incinv_create_material, lt_taxdataLIKETABLEOFbapi_incinv_create_tax, ls_taxdataLIKEbapi_incinv_create_tax, lt_returnLIKETABLEOFbapiret2, ls_returnLIKEbapiret2, ...
lt_materialdataLIKETABLEOFbapi_incinv_create_material, ls_materialdataLIKEbapi_incinv_create_material, lt_taxdataLIKETABLEOFbapi_incinv_create_tax, ls_taxdataLIKEbapi_incinv_create_tax, lt_returnLIKETABLEOFbapiret2, ls_returnLIKEbapiret2, ...
APPEND w_bdc TO t_bdc. Refer to the link which had the same issue Hope this helps. Thanks, Tooshar Bendale Former Member 2013 Jan 10 0 Kudos HI, I saw the above code and tried but not sure wher am I missing. I have written the below ...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling Hi gurus, i have specific problem, i have two steps in validation (OKC7) - check COBL-PS_PSP_PNR <> '' and COBL-KOSTL <> ''. Because i need WBS element and cost center filled together by posting. In CO module for example in t-code KB11N vali...
we should write the below code i.e. CLEAR w_bdc. w_bdc-program = 'SAPLMR1M'. w_bdc-dynpro = '6000'. w_bdc-dynbegin = 'X'. APPEND w_bdc TO t_bdc. CLEAR w_bdc. w_bdc-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'. w_bdc-fval = 'DOC'. APPEND w_bdc TO t_bdc. CLEAR w_bdc. w_bdc-program...
Dear Experts , During saving the document as parked i.e during MIR7 , i am getting the error > Tax code 08 in procedure is invalid Message no. FICORE704. Diagnosis