DATA: vp_eind(1), ls_headerdataLIKE bapi_incinv_create_header, lt_itemdataLIKETABLEOF bapi_incinv_create_item, ls_itemdataLIKE bapi_incinv_create_item, lt_materialdataLIKETABLEOF bapi_incinv_create_material, ls_materialdataLIKE bapi_incinv_create_material, lt_taxdataLIKETABLEOF bapi_incinv...
The entry is created in table STXH after the BADI is invoked. It must not be possible to meet this requirement it seems Reply koolspy_ultimate Active Contributor 2011 Oct 14 9:12 AM 0 Kudos 467 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, [Check this|; Regards, koolspy. Reply ...
But is giving message as 'Table T169: entry does not exist' But when i checked data in T169 table for MIR7 the record is available as: TRTYP-H, VGART - RD, ACTI1 - RMRP, TCODE,TRART-MIR7, FUNCL- Also please clarify whether the code i have written is valid (or) any change...
IN MIR7 , i have two line item with two different Tax Code. In first line item Taxcode is like, Basc Excide duty Not Applicable, VAT 4%, AVAT 1%, Non Cenvatable In 2nd line item Tax code is like, SERVICE TAX 10 % Cenvatable ,VAT 4%, AVAT 1% Non Cenvatable Now in above ca...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi everybody Does someone know table/field for "Transaction" in Mir7? The values that i see: Invoice Credit Memo Subsequent credit Subsequen debit I guess is in RBKP but i can't find it. Best RegardsReply...
dynpfields-fieldname = 'INVFO-ZZAKONT'. APPEND dynpfields. CALL FUNCTION 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' EXPORTING dyname = 'SAPLMR1M' " 'SAPMF02K' dynumb = '0900' "'0210' TABLES dynpfields = dynpfields EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE dynpfields INDEX 1. invfo-...
ls_taxdataLIKEbapi_incinv_create_tax, lt_returnTYPESTANDARDTABLEOFbapiret2, ls_returnTYPEbapiret2.DATA:lv_itemTYPEbapi_incinv_create_item-invoice_doc_item, lv_checkTYPEchar1, lv_messageTYPEchar200.CLEAR:ls_headerdata. ls_headerdata-invoice_ind ='X'."标识: 记帐发票ls_headerdata-doc_type ...
ls_itemdata TYPE bapi_incinv_create_item, lt_taxdata LIKE TABLE OF bapi_incinv_create_tax, ls_taxdata LIKE bapi_incinv_create_tax, lt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2, ls_return TYPE bapiret2. DATA:lv_item TYPE bapi_incinv_create_item-invoice_doc_item, ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Feenaz, Also one more wierd option can be checked.. Deactivate note 893929 which displays table values in F4 help...and copy code of this note and add your own logic for swift code and then paste it in the enhancement implementaiton at the end of...
RT-PCR primer was shown in Table 2. Table 2 The primers used for RT-qPCR Full size table CCK-8 assay After transfection, 100 μl cells (1 × 103) were plated into 96-well plates and cultured for 1 h. Subsequently, cells were mixed with 10 μl CCK8 regent (Yeasen) for 2 ...