为了观察miR-2861在细胞水平上的作用,我们从慢病毒转染的Treg细胞模型中提取外泌体(miR-NCKD-Exos, miR-2861KD-Exos, miR-NCOE-Exos和miR-2861OE-Exos),并将外泌体与OGD/ R处理的bEnd. 3细胞共培养。我们发现miR-2861在miR-2861KD-Exos组中的表达明显低于miR-NCKD-Exos组。此外,miR-2861在miR-2861OE-E...
ppy-miR-2861 qPCR试剂盒 分类:microRNA qPCR Kits 品牌:BioTNT 货号:ppy-miR-2861 原价:¥4030 现价:¥3098.38 节省:¥932 规格:1 kits 说明:ppy-miR-2861 特异性茎环引物试剂盒 ¥615产品参数 ---说明书下载--- microRNAs(miRNAs)是一类长度约19~24nt的非编码单链RNA,通过碱基互补配对的方式与靶...
hsa-miR-2861 mimic 产品活性:hsa-miR-2861 mimic 是一种化学合成的miRNA模拟物,能模拟内源性miRNA,上调miRNA活性,用于功能获得性(gain-of-function)研究。 产品来源: https://www.medchemexpress.cn/hsa-mir-2861-mimic.html 研究领域:Epigenetics 作用靶点:MicroRNA In Vitro: 1. miRNA Resuspension 1.1 Brief...
产品活性:hsa-miR-2861 antagomir 是一种经过特殊化学修饰的成熟miRNA的互补单链,全链进行甲氧基修饰,在5'端和3'端分别有2个和4个硫代骨架修饰,并在3'端连接有高亲和性胆固醇修饰。miRNA antagomir通过特异性结合成熟miRNA,阻止miRNA与其靶基因的互补配对,从而抑制miRNA的功能。相比于miRNA inhibitor,miRNA antagomi...
Human MIR2861 qPCR Primer Pair 一键复制产品信息 产品编号:QH83973S 产品包装:200次 选择包装 200次 数 量 价格:¥22.00 Human MIR2861 qPCR Primer Pair,即人MIR2861 qPCR引物对,主要用于基于SYBR Green的qPCR、One-Step qRT-PCR或semi-quantitative PCR。本引物为预先设计、经过qPCR验证、预混的引物对。
The study aimed to was to investigate the relationship between miR-2861, miR-5011-5p, and colorectal carcinogenesis. In the present study, it was isolated RNA from both the tumor and non-tumor tissue of a total of 80 CRC patients and after synthesizing t
Intriguingly, siRNA-mediated HDAC5 suppression could be demonstrated to phenocopy pro-productive effects of miR-2861 in CHO cells. This supports the notion that miRNA-induced inhibition of HDAC5 may contribute to productivity enhancing effects of miR-2861. Furthermore, since product quality is ...
The study aimed to was to investigate the relationship between miR-2861, miR-5011-5p, and colorectal carcinogenesis. Method In the present study, it was isolated RNA from both the tumor and non-tumor tissue of a total of 80 CRC patients and after synthesizing the cDNA, it was performed qRT...