The NHS Minor Ailment Scheme is here if you want help, advice or treatment for common illness such as a cold, cough or sprains, find out more at
minor ailmentsBackground: A large proportion of primary care medical consultations relate to minor ailments, placing a substantial burden on the UK National Health Service (NHS). In response, minor ailment schemes (MAS) have been introduced in several community pharmacies. Methods: Patients using ...
The scheme is aimed at all types of minor ailments, from acne and allergies to cold sores, indigestion and headlice. Patients can use the NHS Minor Ailment... N Fife - NHS Fife, Communications Department, Hayfield House, Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy, KY2 5AH; Tel:01592 647971; E-mail: fife...
Background: A large proportion of primary care medical consultations relate to minor ailments, placing a substantial burden on the UK National Health Service (NHS). In response, minor ailment schemes (MAS) have been introduced in several community pharmacies. Methods: Patients using MAS across three...
29 •6.2Whichminorailmentsandformularydrugsshouldbe coveredintherollout?31 •6.3Whattypeoftrainingpackageswillberequired?33 •6.4Whataboutstandardoperatingprocedures?35 1 contents Pagenumber •Appendix7:Exampleofpharmacybriefing86 •Appendix8:ExampleofGPsurgeryprotocol87 •Appendix9:Examplesof...
So what is a minor ailment scheme? Patients are encouraged to consult the community pharmacist rather than the GP for a defined list of minor ailments. Patients who are registered with participating GP practices and are exempt from NHS prescription charges receive treatment from an agreed local fo...
Who's Best.GP or Chemist?; Flu Drugs Became Available on NHS Prescription This Week. but for Most Minor Ailments, You Are Actually Better off Seeing a Pharmacist Than Your GP. Why? Well, It Turns out That with Five Years' Training, Pharmacists Are a Lot More Than Glorified Shopkeepers. ...
The scheme is aimed at all types of minor ailments, from acne and allergies to cold sores, indigestion and headlice. Patients can use the NHS Minor Ailment Service if they: are registered with a GP surgery in Scotland, and don't pay for ... N Fife - NHS Fife, Communications Department...
THE ECONOMIC BURDEN OF MINOR AILMENTS ON THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (NHS) IN THE UKMETHODS: In July 2007 records of a MA (defined using Read codes) in the prior 24 months were extracted from a database of de-identified, longitudinal patient records from130 UK general practices. ...
The scheme is aimed at all types of minor ailments, from acne and allergies to cold sores, indigestion and headlice. Patients can use the NHS Minor Ailment Service if they: are registered with a GP surgery in Scotland, and don't pay for ... N Fife - NHS Fife, Communications Department...