The NHS Minor Ailment Scheme is here if you want help, advice or treatment for common illness such as a cold, cough or sprains, find out more at
Minor ailments scheme agreed for Wales.The article reports on the announcement of the Welsh government regarding the development of a national community pharmacy minor ailments scheme across Wales.EBSCO_bspChemist & Druggist
Minorailmentsinout-of-hoursprimarycareAn-ResearchGate 系统标签: ailmentsminorcareresearchgatehoursprimary Correspondence:LinaKristinWelle-Nilsen,NationalCentreforEmergencyPrimaryHealthCare,UniHealth,Kalfarveien31,5018Bergen,Norway. E-mail:lina.wellenilsen@gmail (Received2November2009;accepted29November2010) ORIGINAL...
The author reflects on the support given by contractors to Pharmaceutical Contractors Committee (PCC) for an overwhelming endorsement of PCC's position on the Northern Ireland minor ailments scheme (NI-MAS). She relates the pharmacists' challenged with the Department of Health, Social Services and ...
A multi-method evaluation of the Pharmacy First Minor Ailments scheme. Int J Clin Pharm 2011; 33(3): 573-581.Pumtong S, Boardman HF, Anderson CW: A multi-method evaluation of the Pharmacy First Minor Ailments scheme. Int J Clin Pharm 2011, 33:573-581....
Pharmacists' perspectives on the pharmacy first minor ailments scheme. IJPP 2008; 16: 73-80Pumtong S, Boardman HF, Anderson CW. Pharmacists' perspectives on the Pharmacy First Minor Ailements Scheme. Int J Pharm Pract. 2008; 16 (2):73–80. doi: 10.1211/ijpp.16.2.0004. [ Cross Ref ]...
A cost minimisation of a National Minor Ailments Scheme in Community Pharmacies in Englanddoi:10.1136/bmj.c2298Navin S SewakBMJ
Calls from pharmacy bodies for a national minor ailments scheme for England are growing louder.And such a desire to see the patchwork of local services transformed into national scheme is supported by Chris Ward,one of the pharmacists involved with Nottingham's Pharmacy First scheme,who believes ...
It states that the scheme, which was signed up by 600,000 patients, was used to treat common ailments in patients exempt from prescription charges. Charles Michie of Charles Michie Pharmacy infers that the scheme is a great idea because it is helpful to the public.Chapman...